Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Custom made sails….

  • lundvall

    22 januari, 2004 vid 10:43

    Från hemsidan:
    ”BULL is not just another sail brand on the market. We founded our company because every windsurfer is individual in his style and his needs. Everybody knows that hardly any professional windsurfer competes in the worldcup with a ’standard’ production kit. The best competitors in the world get their own ’pro-model sails’: custom-made. With our custom made constructions we offer the possibility to shape your sails individually. If you decide to own such a custom-made product, we are happy to build it especially for you! ”

    Kanske skulle sattsa på en egen serie ? grin.gif men det lär la kosta en del… frown.gif

  • dr-masse

    22 januari, 2004 vid 11:17




    finns ett antal, hmm, en egen linje…

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Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Custom made sails….

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