Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Nyheter Cutre Clinics

  • Cutre Clinics

    Publicerad av steffo på 12 december, 2002 vid 08:52

    Cutre team at Pozo will organize a two weeks combined wave and Freestyle
    clinic in Pozo Izquierdo GranCanaria every month from March 2003 until
    September 2003.

    The clinics are for sailors that want to improve their sailing skills and
    learn classic and new freestyle and wave moves like forward / back loops,
    spocks, willyskipper and much much more.
    Video recording will be used for maximum progress.
    A minimum level of water start and jibe is required from everyone that wants
    to join the clinics. for more information look at or mail to

    The head instructor of the clinics will be Swedish world cup sailor
    Kristofer.Living and he will also get help from some of the local Pozo
    The language that will be used during the clinics will be English but
    Kristofer also speaks German Swedish, Danish, Norwegian.
    Cutre offers a package deal of accommodation and food for those who want to
    stay in Pozo during the clinic.
    There will also be an equipment deal available for those who that don’t want
    bring their own equipment.
    For more information look at or mail to

    steffo svarade 22 år, 1 månad sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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