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Do I need a size between 7,1 and 8,5 ??
Publicerad av brett74 på 15 januari, 2014 vid 11:29I have ordered a set of Gaastra Phantoms for my 2 Isonics (80 and 107ltr) from 5,7 -7,8, I have now decided to get the 8,5 too, should I skip the 7,8 and just get 5,7 – 6,4 – 7,1 – 8,5 ?
What would you guys do?
As usual feel free to reply in Swedish.kapten-k svarade 11 år, 1 månad sedan 9 Medlemmar · 19 Svar -
19 Svar
Hi Brett!
I try to match the sails to my boards to get ideal combos, and have some crossover, so i can just change board and not sails. The 8.5 will work fine for that board, and when yu are to overpowerd you can easily sail yor 7.1 on the 107, but i still think the 7.8 is the ideal sail for the 107. Will you crossover on the 7.1 and use that on the Isonic 80 or sail the 6.4 on the 107?I used the 127 and 97 last year with 9.5 7.9 6.7 and 6.0 vapors The 127 felt almost to big for 7.9 so i ended up sailing a lot with the 7.9 and 97. i never used the 6.0 but used 5.3 wave gear instead.
This got me to buy a Isonic 110 for 7.9 and i will sell the 97 and get a 90 instead, but then i feel i need a 8.6 for the 110. Its very hard to make theese off season choices! -
As far as what sail I will use on what board is concerned I have not really enough experience to tell , I will just have to try, I haven’t even got the 80 yet, my wife is giving me that for my birthday ”I Think”, God bless her ! I think I will get the the 7,8 and the 8,5 and just be poorer for it!
The more sail, the more difficult it is to chose the right combo. I try to minimize this then I don’t spend too many hours to decide on what to take and afterwards I am not disappointed because I didn’t chose the right one. With 2 boards and 5 sails, good luck to chose the right combo :). IMHO Before buying the 7,8, I would test the 8,5 to its max and see if the jump can be made to the 7,1. Today’s sails have a huge range and I guess phantom does, I have s-type and have the gap 6.6 – 7.8 and I must say it works quite fine. I don’t know which size exist by 6.4-7,1 seams quit close, can’t you go for 7,5instead? 6,4 – 7,5 – 8,5 would look better to me. 🙂
My 2 cents.
Plettil -
Well…To be honest i believe it would be wise to skip the 7.8 , or keep the 7.8 but go for 9.x…
I have a decent sailquiver my self, biggest (slalom) sail is 9.3, next size is 7.9, works great. You can wrestle a 9.3 in pretty strong winds, I guess gusts around 12-13m/s. A steady 10m/s average is damn hard work with 9.3. The benefit is that once you are really maxed out with your 9.x and go for the 7.8, you will be more or less ”flying” with the 7.8. Modern big race sails are pretty fast, I peaked over 34 knots with my 9,3 and 58 cm wide board in Höllviken last summer, after a while i decided it was enough of fighting for one day and went for the 7.9 and my smallest board (46.5 cm wide), the gear was ”flying”, but strange enough I could not top the peakspeed achieved with the 9.3.. -
Some good advice here from everyone, I have a lot of free time so it often happens that I am on the water for 5-6 hours a day, even this winter I have been out for many 4 hour sessions, without a break. With a big sail range I can always change sails with the conditions so I am always sailing with the right sail to conserve energy, I am hoping these Phantoms are going to be as easy to rig as Gaastra advertise so that I do actually come in and change sail size when the wind changes…still in doubt though…
To answer the question: Yes, you do! 🙂
The sails do have a big range, so if you pick one sail size too big it is not necessary to change to a smaller sail. But it is nice to have the possibility! But if you want to maximize your speed it is important not to have too big a sail on any given day. If you already have the mast for it, buy the sail!
Yes, about the masts, Gaastra recomend their SDM 75 430 and 460 for the first 4 sails, for the 8,5 they say 460/490, my idea was to just use an extension for the 32cm on the 460 mast, that way I only need two masts, my AL360 Carbon Boom covers all the sails. If I find in the future that the 8,5 is too ”floppy” on the 460 21IMCS mast, I can get the 490 25IMCS.
Damn I am looking forward to getting on the water with this stuff, delivery should be end of Feb…. -
As minimalist I only use 8,5 7,0 and 5,5 Free Race/Race sails with my
Star-Board Futura 121 board nowadays.
I sold my larger board with 9,65 Race and 520 mast.
( And all small boards in waste container )Still have and old NP 6,0 VXltd and Sailworks 4,6 Race but never use these sails anymore
and It works fine for me with that quiver. (Weight 82 kg Lenght 1,82) -
5.5 powerd on a futura 121…. i would get a smaller board for that!
brett, if you want to save money on 1 sail i would skip the 5.7 since you van probably sail the 6.4 very overpowerd… If you havent got the 880 ywt.. why not an 87 or 90 insteåd? -
My Wife has already got the board, but it is my birthday present so I have to wait for it…..”I think”….
@Brett74 720304 wrote:
Some good advice here from everyone, I have a lot of free time so it often happens that I am on the water for 5-6 hours a day, even this winter I have been out for many 4 hour sessions, without a break….
On the case you can afford and spend the time… Why not… I like to simplify my ”life” by limiting the quantity of possible choices and combinations. One good thing to analyse your usage would be to log your sessions and gear used and after one year of so, you’ll see what are the more frequent combinations. I guess there are plenty web site to do this, I started to use MWS ( Not perfect but good enough for me.
My 2 cents more. 🙂
Plettil -
Hi, like to comment 5.5 powerd on a futura 121….:
You have absolutely right, a smaller board would be better and a lot of easier sailing for fully owerpowered 5,5 but I only use my 5,5 sail 3-4 times a year nowadays so I don’t find It worth the money to have a new board for that reason. I use the 5,5 with 34 cm fin. Its my choice and It works for me and I don’t recommend It for anyone else.
I like the minimalist mind and you can cover a lot with one board and 3 sails and 3 fins
but Its ofcourse a compromise. -
Yes, Right now I am a bit of ”all the gear and no idea” but I will get them all and start logging what gets used and when and see from there. Thanks for all the inputs and keep them coming…
I try to have a minimalist kit to.. ended up with 4boards and 4sails when i go slalom sailing. Had a many fine 9.5 days on the 127.. mostly only me on the water. actually never sailed the 9.5 overpowerd. cause i chickend out and sailed 7.9 underpowered instead.. thats a misstake to learn from this year
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