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  • DVD Premiere night need test subjects.

    Publicerad av skotten på 16 januari, 2008 vid 14:59

    (if you are offended by reading the word HOMO (haha too late) dont read any further..)

    A large brand that I am connected with will be releasing a DVD soon. However, they asked me to give a closed showing to a few guys and get some feedback before they send it off for mass production.

    All you need is beer, and well, if you have any spare women, bring them too.

    All of you big homogloryworldchampion fans wont be dissapointed… there is also a decent chunk of good riders that will apparently do a bit of talking.. which we dont like the forementioned homo doing very much….

    Obviously I cant tell you who is making this video…. (NOT EH)

    This weekend??

    sidpiraya svarade 17 år, 1 månad sedan 12 Medlemmar · 24 Svar
  • 24 Svar
  • johanw

    16 januari, 2008 vid 15:43


  • skotten

    16 januari, 2008 vid 15:59

    oh yeah, and you know it….. do it…..

  • skejtar_henke

    16 januari, 2008 vid 20:14

    jag är ju här…..

  • fifi

    16 januari, 2008 vid 20:31

    och jag skotten!

  • mjersen

    16 januari, 2008 vid 20:36

    jag har öl

  • kamikazekiteren

    16 januari, 2008 vid 20:58

    jag har fortfarande lite glögg på spisen , när ska jai ta med? Snabba på , den är lite grönn redan. men det är bare på toppen !

  • skotten

    16 januari, 2008 vid 23:44

    yeah cool, the film arrives for me tomorrow, I was already counting the habo locals anyway.. its just I know how much they all love hadlow… and I am not having a premiere just for him…

    would rather have some other appreciaters there as well : )

  • sourra

    16 januari, 2008 vid 23:55

    I can read between the lines – send me one damn it!

  • skotten

    17 januari, 2008 vid 00:53

    come on, I aint that well connected… I get one master copy, so we all need to be together and have a mid-off-season party like the varberg weekend….

    ooh now there is an idea…..

  • tobas

    17 januari, 2008 vid 08:38

    Get popular!?!?! Seed it ,-)

  • gh0st

    17 januari, 2008 vid 19:38

    U know im up for it!

  • skotten

    18 januari, 2008 vid 07:37

    @tobas 438997 wrote:

    Get popular!?!?! Seed it ,-)

    not a hope in hell : ) they would know straight away who put it online (doh) got it home late last night stayed up until 5am watching it.. I have the feeling work is gonna be a mellow affair today.

  • jonaish

    18 januari, 2008 vid 15:40

    jonaish äre med too!!

  • johanw

    18 januari, 2008 vid 17:38

    när blir de tony?

  • sidpiraya

    18 januari, 2008 vid 18:39

    will we have some rock n roll?

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