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End of the season wasted session – Varberg
sourra svarade 17 år, 4 månader sedan 33 Medlemmar · 163 Svar
ok so we sould go up sat afternoon, sleep in cabins in the evening and get wasted then ride sunday ? :).
I dont have any 8’s left!, I have 9’s and 10’s if you guys are brave enough to ride with them.
9´s and 10´s in that wind condtions shouldn´t be any problem. I can take a 5´s or 7´s for you then. I mean Helix is a little bit stronger 😉
hehehe I will also be bringing up a whole bunch of mystic stuff for next year.. we can have a touchy-feely night with some beer and talk about it all. I am trying to et a photographer onboard as well for us all.
So it’s on then? Sat-Sun? Re the photographer, I’m sure there will be one or two cameras around. And if we’re lucky, Mat might honour us with a visit, who knows? Just for the record: I will not speak one single word of english during the whole weekend, except for a few universal cuss words of english origin every now and again.
PS. Hasse, dina grejer kommer gå varma 😀
hmm någon som kan hämta resterande test drakar hos Falle? Jag går in i ett rus på lördagmorgon… Och så måste jag laga min nia imorgon då;)
sourra;424529 wrote:So it’s on then? Sat-Sun? Re the photographer, I’m sure there will be one or two cameras around. And if we’re lucky, Mat might honour us with a visit, who knows? Just for the record: I will not speak one single word of english during the whole weekend, except for a few universal cuss words of english origin every now and again.
PS. Hasse, dina grejer kommer gå varma 😀
För oss andra på forumet som inte kommer vara där( kanske max 5 st)
Lägg ut bilder videos mm så vi får uppleva stämningen hemma i vårt dragiga garage!!!
@Haze 424553 wrote:
hmm någon som kan hämta resterande test drakar hos Falle? Jag går in i ett rus på lördagmorgon… Och så måste jag laga min nia imorgon då;)
Jag ska nog svänga förbi och hämta min nya Haze. Den gamla snackade så mycket strunt, hade noll flex och saknade träkärna (utom i knoppen, där var det solid wood) 🙂
Dra ett PM till mig vad det är som ska hämtas så hämtar jag.
goddagens gubbar å gummor,,går det bra för alla att vi har”skepparmöte”kl 10.00 på lördag vid den stora grusparkeringen i apelviken så drar vi upp till stuguthyraren å hyr hur många stugor vi vill,sen e det fritt för playtime
Mathias 0706-973460 -
shiiiit, there is no way I am getting out of bed on a day with no wind that early.. I will be dragging the guys into the car hair first, about 12 noon…
At best I can say we will be there 2pm… but I am guessing 4pm hahaha.
By the way, if there is anyone interested in buying anything mystic, PM me and I will bring up as many different sizes as I can for you to try on.
This is a bastard to have to do this, but I cannot come up this weekend, a member of the family passed away last night, and there are things that need to be sorted out. I will be up next weekend regardless of numbers to meet everyone up there. I will of course be bringing a couple of the guys that could not make it up this weekend.
I am sorry, and hope you all understand.
@skotten 424586 wrote:
This is a bastard to have to do this, but I cannot come up this weekend, a member of the family passed away last night, and there are things that need to be sorted out. I will be up next weekend regardless of numbers to meet everyone up there. I will of course be bringing a couple of the guys that could not make it up this weekend.
I am sorry, and hope you all understand.
My condolences.
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