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End of the season wasted session – Varberg
sourra svarade 17 år, 4 månader sedan 33 Medlemmar · 163 Svar
ahh nice one lads, thanks for all the thoughts, its really appreciated.
Lets get our eyes forward to next weeknd though. Hope for better wind, more guys coming up ( I will speak with Blomvall and see if I can get him to do a demo ) and some fun stuff planned for th evening.
I will get a hold of the OZONE guys, there seems to be no shortage of Naish guys :D, then I will speak to anna and chrille, see if I can get some north stuff up with us as well… then all we need is cabrinha, best, and slingshot and we have pretty much everyone 🙂
I think robsport is coming or if we get some best to Fahléns i will bring them;)
skotten;425143 wrote:…
I will get a hold of the OZONE guys, there seems to be no shortage of Naish guys :D, …Hm, Ozone guys must mena mig och min brother then.
If you show up in our livingroom called Läjet you’re more than welcome. No need to invite us 😉 We could even tänka oss going outside our revir några kilometer just to show that the Ozone 2007 range is still ahead of the konkurrenters 2008or.
nic -
hehehe nic, I spoke to Jens but apparently his wife wont let him play with the boys over the weekends 😛
Just kiddin hehehehe… nah he is busy, so he said that you guys would probably be available.
woo hoo wind is gonna kick off for the weekend!
gonna be a good one 🙂 -
Japps om inte gurun skriver ner prognosen så kommer vi på fredag kväll och åker hem sent på söndagen när spriten lämnat kroppen. Blir ett stort gäng från skåneland.
…och sen kommer du städa upp skiten Jonas =)
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