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  • Engelsk uppsats…

    Posted by anders_hoffman on 28 januari, 2003 at 17:30

    Det blir en liten favorit i repris till kneges arbete detta är iofs en helt ny uppsats och på engelska! Naturligtvis med ämnet vindsurfing som fokus…
    Den är ganska kort, men den skulle inte vara längre än tre sidor så det blev två.

    Så där ja, nu är felen rättade. Hoppas det blir bättre nu….

    My trip to Hawaii

    If you haven’t fallen a sleep yet, you will be able to at following pages read about my trip to Hawaii at following pages read.

    It started, with the movie “Sand mellan tårna”, which takes plays on Maui, Hawaii. It’s about 7-8 Swedish people, who goes to Maui for the great windsurfing. Of course they are as crazy and fascinated in the sport as I.
    After I’d seen it the first time, I said to my self “I will go to Hawaii”.

    And here I sit to day, with my biggest dream accomplished. The trip started last summer, in June 22.
    After almost 48 hours of packing the luggage I went to Arlanda with my friend Tobbe who windsurfs too. Of course we got problems directly at Arlanda. We weren’t allowed to bring our boards and sails at the airplane.

    -You can’t take those boats with you on the plane, because it’s already complete full, said the impertinent lady behind the counter
    -You mean our windsurfing boards?
    -Oh, is it windsurfing boards?
    -Yes. What are we going to do now then? Because we have to get our boards with us.
    -I don’t know, I can’t help you. Next!

    In that moment both Tobbe and I was really close to beat her up. But we didn’t. Instead we took our tickets and luggage and went to the counter beside her.
    After 15 minutes of waiting in the line, we finally reached the counter. There were the most beautiful women I had ever seen. We were just standing there looking at here.
    -Hello, can I help you, sir?
    It felt like I had been awakened from a dream in paradise.
    -I wondered if I could help you, sir?
    -Oh, sorry. We want to take our windsurfing-equipment aboard the plane. Can you help us with that?
    -Yes, of course. Tell me something I can’t do for these young handsom men. Just follow me.
    Jackpot I whispered to Tobbe, who just woke up from the same wonderful dream as I had.
    She walked away against the section for special luggage. We grabbed our entire luggage very fast and almost ran after her. On our way to the section, we made ugly facial expressions and laughed to the lady that didn’t want to help us. But Tobbe didn’t think that was enough; he went to the lady and said.
    -You know what, we are taking our equipment with us now. I just wanted to tell you that.
    She looked at him with a strange face.
    He couldn’t help laughing. He laughed at her and ran after us.

    When we’d fixed all the entire equipment we went to the gate. The plane should arrive within an hour. We had a lot of time at the gate, for shopping (mostly candy, and papers) and call friends and our families and so on for a last “good bye”.

    Suddenly the music from the speakers stopped, and a nice voice sad “Travellers with flight
    HN 76 541 to Honolulu, Hawaii, plane is ready for boarding”.
    I looked at my ticket, and the flight number was right, I ran to Tobbe, which were in the candy shop trying to negotiate to get a package of “Ahlgrens Bilar”.
    I pulled his arm and said.

    -Come on, Tobbe, our plane is leaving now.
    -Yeah, Yeah, I’m coming. Thanks for the negotiation. He said to the cashier.

    She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

    Now I cant tell you anymore, because this is all fake. I’ve never been to Hawaii, I don’t have a friend named Tobbe.

    Ps. But Axel, call me in four years, because then I have been on Hawaii, I’ll promise…Ds.

    Det är en liten bit som jag tagit från någon reseberättelse som jag läste på surfblaskan… men det kallar vi väl för inspiration va! wink.gif
    Det är alltså min engelska-lärare som heter Axel…


    tabi replied 21 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • kungdenknege

    28 januari, 2003 at 18:48

    Skitgutt! Härlig story, schysst upplägg. Rättar lite småfel som din inte stör mig, men kanske din lärare:

    If you haven’t fallen asleep yet, you will be able to, at the following pages, read about my trip to Hawaii.

    It all started with the movie “Sand mellan tårna”, which take place on Maui, Hawaii. It’s about 7-8 Swedes, who goes to Maui for the great windsurfing you can find there. Of course they are as crazy and fascinated in the sport as I am.

    After I’d seen it for the first time, I said to my self “I will go to Hawaii”.

    And here I sit to day, with my biggest dream accomplished. The trip started last summer, in June 22.
    After almost 48 hours of packing the luggage I went to Arlanda with my friend Fredde who also windsurf.

    Of course we got problems directly at Arlanda. We weren’t allowed to bring our boards and sails with us on the airplane.

    -You can’t take those boats with you on the plane, it’s already complete full, said the impertinent(??) lady behind the counter.
    -You mean our windsurfing boards?
    -Oh, is it windsurfing boards?
    -Yes. What are we going to do now then? We really have to get our boards with us!
    -I don’t know, I can’t help you anymore. Next!

    In that moment both Fredde and I was really close to beat her up. But we didn’t. Instead we took our tickets and luggage and went to the counter beside her.
    After 15 minutes of waiting in the cue, we finally reached the counter. There sat the most beautiful women I had ever seen. We just stood there, looking at her.
    -Hello, can I help you, mister?
    It felt like I had been awakened from a dream in paradise.
    -I wondered if I could help you, mister.
    -Oh, sorry. We want to take our windsurfing-equipment with us. Can you help us with that?
    -Yes, of course. Tell me something I can’t do for these young hansom men. Just follow me.
    -Jackpot, I whispered to Fredde, who just woke up from the same wonderful dream as I had.
    She walked away against the section for special luggage. We grabbed all our luggage very fast and almost ran after her. On our way to the section, we made ugly facial expressions and laughed to the lady that didn’t want to help us. But Fredde didn’t think that was enough; he went to the lady and said.
    -You know what, we are taking our equipment with us now. I just wanted to tell you that.
    She looked at him with a strange face.
    He couldn’t help laughing. He laughed at her and ran away from there.

    When we’d fixed all equipment we went to the gate. The plane should arrive within an hour. We had a lot of time in the gate, for shopping (mostly candy, and papers) and call friends and our families and so on for a last “good bye”.

    Suddenly the music from the speakers stopped, and a nice voice sad “Travellers with flight
    HN 76 541 to Honolulu, Hawaii, can get onboard the plane”.
    I looked at my ticket, and the flight number was the same, I ran to Fredde, which were in the candy shop trying to negotiate to get a package of “Ahlgrens Bilar”.
    I pulled his arm and said.

    -Come on, Fredde, our plane is leaving know.
    -Yeah, Yeah, I’m coming. Thanks for the negotiation. He said to the cashier.

    She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

    Now I cant tell you anymore, because this is all fake. I’ve never been to Hawaii, I don’t have a friend named Fredde.

    Ps. But Axel, call me in four years, because then I have been on Hawaii, I’ll promise…Ds.

    Du har lite tempusfel här och var, rättade dom jag såg… Annars skitbra!

  • imported_macts

    29 januari, 2003 at 06:30

    Om du inte får bra betyg på den kanske du kan spinna vidare på händelsen vid incheckningen och skicka in den till Aktuell rapport eller nåt..:)

  • adde

    29 januari, 2003 at 06:50

    Hmm, nu var det ju ett tag sen, men…

    “She walked away against the section for special luggage.”

    borde stå

    “She walked away towards the section for special luggage.”

    Svenskans ‘mot’ har flera översättningar;
    ‘against’ som i ‘fight against’ (kämpa mot),
    ‘towards’ som i ‘go towards …’ (gå mot),
    ‘for’ som i ‘for payment’ (mot betalning),
    osv ….


  • anders_hoffman

    29 januari, 2003 at 12:32

    Har nationellt prov nästa fredag, 160 minuters uppsatsskrivning, funderar på att förlänga den engelska versionen och översätta den till svenska!


  • tabi

    4 februari, 2003 at 16:57

    nej, fan va coolt, e jag med??? wink.gif

    När åker vi???

  • anders_hoffman

    4 februari, 2003 at 17:06

    jag kan ändra fredde till tobbe om du vill…. så drar vi efter trean när båda tjänat lite pengar!


  • anonym-anvandare

    4 februari, 2003 at 18:40

    ja vill inte förstöra gläldjen när de gäller de där me nationella proven men där får man tyvärr ämnen som man måste skriva om.



  • anders_hoffman

    4 februari, 2003 at 19:01

    mmm, ja vet… Fyra olika. Men vem vet kanske ett ämne är, skriv om ett speciellt vindsurfingminne. wink.gif
    Nej men det brukar ofta vara att man ska skriva om något minne, nåt man älskar, eller nåt i den stilen så jag ska nog försöka få in windsurfingen på nåt sätt… Det kanske blir väldigt långsökt, men men…


  • ola_p

    4 februari, 2003 at 19:48

    Jag lyckades, förra året, skrev om min uppväxt… grin.gif

  • anonym-anvandare

    5 februari, 2003 at 19:28

    ja kan säga dig att detta året blir de inget du kan förvränga till att skriva om vindsurf. tyvärr. men de kommer ju en engelska uppsats också.



  • tabi

    7 februari, 2003 at 20:10

    det står ju tobbe…!!
    Jag har inget jobb under mars, då funtar jag på fuerte…! jag har dock inga pengar! frown.gif
    ska försöka lösa det på nåt sätt!! 😛

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