Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing F-Hot slalomfenor

  • F-Hot slalomfenor

    Posted by herr-pelegrin on 22 november, 2012 at 13:19

    Efter lite funderingar fastnade jag för inköp av två slalomfenor (46 och 52 cm) från F-Hot Fins för totalt 335 pund. Den kommunikation som Steve Cook har med sina kunder är mycket bra trots att han verkar ha hektiska tider med omfattande beställningar från bl a Singapore. Fenorna anlände i dag och de ser ut att hålla mycket hög kvalitet. Nu återstår bara att testa dem…

    herr-pelegrin replied 12 years ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • herr-pelegrin

    21 december, 2012 at 15:37

    På Starboards forum diskuterar Marc som kör F-Hot Fins rake dessa och på Z-fins och har en utläggning kring att det går att beställa F-Hot fins med olika rake:

    I asking about the rake cause I wanted to play around with different rakes on my F-Hot fins. Some times a bit of info saves a lot of time I have F-Hot in 34, 38, 42, 46, 48 and 52. The 34 and 46 are set at 5 degrees and the rest are 3 degrees.

    Steve does the standard F-hots at 3 degrees which is working as a good all-rounder. Steve is currently altering the rake on my 3 degree fins to 5 degrees. Not for any particular reason, just personal preference for me, and I asked about the Z-fins to see if they were similar to the rake angle that I chose to have mine at. Just happened to be the same.

    Your 3 degree rake will work nicely, several French slalom guys are using them and love them. A UK PWA slalom guy is testing this winter and if there is room for improvement, a slightly different carbon lay up might be used, but for normal guys like me, the current lay up works great.

    Steve will do any rake angle requested and If for some reason you want them altering in the future, Steve will alter them for a small fee to cover labour/time.
    Cheers – Mark H

    The toys:
    iSW44 – – iSW49 – iSW53 – iSW58 – iS107 – iS137 – F161.
    North Warps: F2011 5.2m, 5.7m, 6.3m, 7m, 8m, 8.6m, 9.5m F2006 11m.…s/mark-hayford

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