Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing faaaacking teamriders wanted…

  • faaaacking teamriders wanted…

    Publicerad av skotten på 30 juni, 2009 vid 19:04

    If I dont know you, you will need to send a cv.. film, photos or whatever..

    I am tired of being in the newspapers on the eastcoast, so you guys will do it instead for us, and you will get invited to all the best roadtrips that we never write about in here.. : )

    jonaish svarade 15 år, 8 månader sedan 15 Medlemmar · 22 Svar
  • 22 Svar
  • sourra

    30 juni, 2009 vid 19:12

    Kolla med Gonzo, Kvabbso, Debbie och Stoffe – det är ett äkta showgäng. Sjunga kan de också.

    [ame=””]YouTube – Inavlade Bönder – Bröderna Djup[/ame]

  • gonzo

    30 juni, 2009 vid 20:22

    efter den presentationen så behöver jag väl inte skriva något cv??

  • jonaish

    30 juni, 2009 vid 20:24

    hahah klockrent!

  • roland

    30 juni, 2009 vid 20:30

    Fattar inget vill du ha teamriders till nahjs??
    Trodde alla stod i kö……………

  • larssa

    30 juni, 2009 vid 21:30
    skotten;556276 wrote:
    If I dont know you, you will need to send a cv.. film, photos or whatever..

    I am tired of being in the newspapers on the eastcoast, so you guys will do it instead for us, and you will get invited to all the best roadtrips that we never write about in here.. : )

    Jag kan bli din team party dude :laugh:

  • sidpiraya

    30 juni, 2009 vid 21:54
    skotten;556276 wrote:
    If I dont know you, you will need to send a cv.. film, photos or whatever..

    I am tired of being in the newspapers on the eastcoast, so you guys will do it instead for us, and you will get invited to all the best roadtrips that we never write about in here.. : )

    If you pump the kites for me, i will consider to ride the kites. 😉

  • wakenils

    30 juni, 2009 vid 22:23

    är det snackesurfare du söker?

  • milkman

    30 juni, 2009 vid 23:08

    Här är en surfesurfare som snart tappar brallorna 🙂

  • davids

    1 juli, 2009 vid 06:13
    WakeNils;556337 wrote:
    är det snackesurfare du söker?

    woooooooooooooooooord 😀

  • skotten

    1 juli, 2009 vid 09:17

    I am getting a lot of people asking if they should compete via PM.. to be honest no, you dont.. the only thing I really care about is that you are not an asshole.

  • jonaish

    1 juli, 2009 vid 09:43

    im the one and only 😉

  • robrox

    1 juli, 2009 vid 10:37

    Can I be your team photographer ??? I’m excellent on drinking ROM and Coke and taking some pictures ?? I love secret roadtrips!!!!!

    I’m in ??

  • martent

    1 juli, 2009 vid 11:30

    Hör med LÖV1!!! The one and only!!!

  • jonaish

    1 juli, 2009 vid 13:03

    Asså lövet och jionaish, vilket dramteam!

  • skotten

    1 juli, 2009 vid 16:48

    jionaish, you are going to the military, I aint sponsoring someone else right before they bail from the beach again 😛

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