• jester

    4 mars, 2011 vid 10:39

    Kommer även Falcon Speed i flera olika storlekar?

  • mick

    4 mars, 2011 vid 16:06


    Så här säger upphovsmännen på Fanatics forum:

    The 45 wide:
    Purpose: PR-board -focus topspeed-
    54 liter
    27cm OFO
    Fin’s 21 to max25cm
    Sails between 4,7 and 6,5

    The 51 wide:
    Purpose: allround speed machine -focus average speed-
    70 liter
    33 cm OFO
    Fin’s 25 to max29cm
    Sails between 5,5 and 7,3

  • mick

    4 mars, 2011 vid 16:06


    Så här säger upphovsmännen på Fanatics forum:

    The 45 wide:
    Purpose: PR-board -focus topspeed-
    54 liter
    27cm OFO
    Fin’s 21 to max25cm
    Sails between 4,7 and 6,5

    The 51 wide:
    Purpose: allround speed machine -focus average speed-
    70 liter
    33 cm OFO
    Fin’s 25 to max29cm
    Sails between 5,5 and 7,3

  • budda

    4 mars, 2011 vid 16:06


    The Falcon speed is a very fast board so for Fanatic there seemed to be no need for anything else..
    But Fanatic decided to go for a 2 board speedrange..

    OR you can savely say a 3!! board speedrange with the 85 as the ”big” dragracer I have already reached unbelievable high speed’s on this 58 wide board, I tested this board in the proto stage and was confident the board was more than a knot faster than the 86 but in competition is was even faster…

    The two boards in the ”pipeline” are a 51 wide and a 45 wide.

    Becourse I have been testing and helping Fanatic creating these 2 speed’s I will try to answer.

    The 51 wide is a medium to highwind speedboard for use in hairy choppy open water speed conditions
    And low wind 7.0 speed on superflat speedcourse water.

    The 51 is very controllable and easy in the chop, it accellerates like the Falcon speed and keeps the momentum even if the wind is dipping or the chop is trying to breakdown the foilshape of the sail (the bottom is making the chop disapear keeping the sail as still as possible)
    In superflat lowwind 7.0 conditions the board sit’s high on the water making it easy to keep friction as low as can be.
    The big advantage of the 51 is the way it keeps momentum for very long highspeed run’s.
    This board compairs best to the Falcon speed or a low volume version of the Falcon 80/78 and lower in Volume than most 53/54 speedboards.

    The 45 key words: highend orientated, control, high topend and a chopbreaking bottom.
    This makes this ”the” board ot set all PB’s sharper on the hardcore speedcourse.
    (This board compairs to the F2 missile xs and the SB 44/JP 45)

    Both board’s feel softer than the Falcon Speed, both boards are less fin sensitive.

    With the 85 (58) 51 and 45 I’m very confident Fanatic has a very competative SPEED range.

    Fanatic is planning the release in spring 2011


    Peter de Wit

  • budda

    4 mars, 2011 vid 16:09

    The two boards in the ”pipeline” are a 51 wide and a 45 wide. Så 2 borde det vara

  • budda

    4 mars, 2011 vid 16:12

    En 45a och en 51a

  • bjornen

    27 mars, 2011 vid 10:10

    speed 51:an

  • mick

    1 april, 2011 vid 13:10
  • marden

    2 maj, 2011 vid 20:14

    tja, verkar ju funka den brädan också samt nya nomad fenorna eller har gubben som står på nått med saken att göra också?

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