Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Favorite weedfins???

  • tbsurf

    26 januari, 2010 vid 14:42

    I can only agree that it is 45degrees works best. It does not work as Curtis and true ames and others have fin sticks out in front of finbox. This works definitely not here in Sweden. The grass get caught directly in the gap between fin and the bottom of the board.

    It’s best if the fin sits as far forward as possible on the finhead. If this isn’t good enough to do so, maybe better to do as boogie writes in their forums .. move the entire finbox foreward on the board!!

    And I must say again, Otmar Hurrican weed is the absolute best weedfin around, but it’s made in carbon fiber, and it’s not a good combination with shallow water. So such a fin in G10 and you’re in business.. 🙂

  • tobhed

    26 januari, 2010 vid 15:18
    Erik Loots;596316 wrote:
    45 degrees is the best??? That’s a lot of rake.

    I have another question. Is there a performance difference between different slalomboards with weedfins???

    A weedfin works ok as long as it’s smaller than 28-30 cm. For that reason speedboards can performe well with a weedfin (typical size for weedfin on a speedboard = 22-26 cm). On a slalomboard you would probably use a bigger fin and here you will run into problems, especially if the slalomboard you are using is ”fin sensitive” and need big fins with a lot of lift etc.
    So i
    n my opinion there isn’t any good weedfins above 30 cm on the market today, they will spinout etc and it will not generate the amount of lift as you would have liked in order to get the most out of the board.

  • p-malmkvist

    27 januari, 2010 vid 11:00

    Hello!! I dont agree that G10 material is the way to go.. When the fin is swept back as with a weed fin the G10 material in my opinion are to soft and gives very little lift.. One way to solve this are by using a thick/longer G10 fin but that results in more resistance..

    I constructed a fin 3-4 cm in front of the finbox. That one gave more lift but as tbsurf mention the gap between board and fin can caught grass so it require some soft material in the middle to reduce the gap..

    I will also try to design some weedfin in the near future, but the specific design are secret:cool2:

    Good luck with the testing/design….. /Petter

  • tbsurf

    27 januari, 2010 vid 12:26

    You are probably right about G10. Heard from our teammanager that it’s therefore now be produced prototypes in G11. Remains to test whether it’s good but I think it makes sense

  • erik-loots

    27 januari, 2010 vid 13:34

    Carbon weedfins, I thought some a lot now about it. I believe carbon weedfins are the way to go. I am just interested if the hurricane are totally different than anything else, or are the hurricane simply higher quality foils.

  • kinetic

    27 januari, 2010 vid 13:53

    I agree with Eric, carbon is the way to go, and with carbon i mean 100% carbon fins and not just black coloured or with an outer designlayer of carbon…

  • p-malmkvist

    27 januari, 2010 vid 14:22
    Erik Loots;596451 wrote:
    Carbon weedfins, I thought some a lot now about it. I believe carbon weedfins are the way to go. I am just interested if the hurricane are totally different than anything else, or are the hurricane simply higher quality foils.

    The hurricane are very different compared to Lessacher for examle.. I have not sailed the hurricane but what I felt on the beach when I put some pressure on it was twist and flex, but still with reflex that a G10 fin are missing. The findesign is not so unique but the twist and flex are the main difference between other weedfins.. The Lessacher fin are rock solid with no twist/flex and personally I dont like this super stiff fin..

  • jester

    27 januari, 2010 vid 14:49

    Erik, we have a lot of rocks on the bottom in Sweden. One hit with a carbon fin, and it explodes… Expensive.. 🙂

  • andersbq

    27 januari, 2010 vid 18:00
    Jester;596464 wrote:
    Erik, we have a lot of rocks on the bottom in Sweden. One hit with a carbon fin, and it explodes… Expensive.. 🙂

    We compare a fin with a the golfers greenfees, it cost a fin every session…

  • erik-loots

    28 januari, 2010 vid 10:13

    It is not a problem to make the fintip out of glass to make it last longer in rocks… There are little forces on fintip, soo glass would be the best material. Only the base must be out of carbon to give the weedfin a good character.

  • mattias-j

    28 januari, 2010 vid 11:25

    Soon we will be able to show the world the new ”swedish” speedweed fin. The first three are ready and will get a last polish by me as soon as i come home from my skiweekend. So hopefully some pictures next week. We made it out of G-11. This material has more epoxiglass in it and is therefore stronger and a bit stiffer than G-10. I already have some slalomfins ready and polished, and the overall feel of the fin and the material is super. The thought behind the weedfin is a little wider base(5mm) then the Hurricane, and also a bit thinner. This to give a better grip and pup up a bit quicker with speedboards. The thickness is of course smaller to go faster!!! The first ones is 20 cm….

    The slalomfin is done for pure slalom. If we compare with the goldwing from tectonics, our fin has a slightly wider base. We felt that the goldwing has bit to little lift, so therefore a wider base. Then we moved the thickest point a bit forward to get the fin good upwind abilities. But not to the point that we loose speed. Our fin is also a bit thinner in the top, and also has a slight forward feel to the outline. Sounds strange i know, but you will get it when you see it.

  • klang

    28 januari, 2010 vid 18:27
    Mattias J;596546 wrote:
    Soon we will be able to show the world the new ”swedish” speedweed fin.

    Grymt trevligt Mattias, din beskrivning fick mig att vattnas i munnen och min plånbok poppade till och självöppnades… en ren reflex… min hustru skrek till gällt… -”Inte mer” !!!

  • erik-loots

    29 januari, 2010 vid 08:16

    Intresting, G11 will be even better for rocks. It would be great to add some softness in the weedfins, but this is technical very difficult…

  • p-malmkvist

    29 januari, 2010 vid 08:50
    Mattias J;596546 wrote:
    Soon we will be able to show the world the new ”swedish” speedweed fin. The first three are ready and will get a last polish by me as soon as i come home from my skiweekend. So hopefully some pictures next week. We made it out of G-11. This material has more epoxiglass in it and is therefore stronger and a bit stiffer than G-10. I already have some slalomfins ready and polished, and the overall feel of the fin and the material is super. The thought behind the weedfin is a little wider base(5mm) then the Hurricane, and also a bit thinner. This to give a better grip and pup up a bit quicker with speedboards. The thickness is of course smaller to go faster!!! The first ones is 20 cm….

    The slalomfin is done for pure slalom. If we compare with the goldwing from tectonics, our fin has a slightly wider base. We felt that the goldwing has bit to little lift, so therefore a wider base. Then we moved the thickest point a bit forward to get the fin good upwind abilities. But not to the point that we loose speed. Our fin is also a bit thinner in the top, and also has a slight forward feel to the outline. Sounds strange i know, but you will get it when you see it.

    Vet att du nämnde något om fisk-slem behandling utav windsurfingfenor som skulle reducera friktionen mycket.. Levereras denna färdig med slemmet(kan ju bli problem med fisklukt)?? eller ska man ta slem från den lokala faunan för att det ska bli kompatibelt med hemmavattnet mao mört/gädda för 08:or, plattfääsk för Gööteborgarna etc:cool2:

  • kapten-k

    29 januari, 2010 vid 09:36
    Klang;596571 wrote:
    Grymt trevligt Mattias, din beskrivning fick mig att vattnas i munnen och min plånbok poppade till och självöppnades… en ren reflex… min hustru skrek till gällt… -”Inte mer” !!!

    HAHA får du smyga undan när du pussar och kramar din DEB fenor nu?

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