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Freestylebräda: L:239 V: 101L Vad heter den?…
Publicerad av zehlertz på 3 februari, 2003 vid 15:44Halo alla!
Snackade med en kille i sommras. Han körde på en freestyle-bräda med 101L och bara 239 lång… kommer tyvärr inte ihåg vilken modell det var. (-02 tror jag)
Är på jakt efter en sån eller liknande. en något bredare freestylebräda.
Brädan var helröd, kan det vara en RRD?
Tacksam för funderingar!
zehlertz svarade 22 år, 1 månad sedan 5 Medlemmar · 7 Svar -
7 Svar
Det låter som en Naish Flying Pig -02.
Edit: läste lite fort, röd = den
Naish Flying Pig
The first and only freestyle board from Naish since their split from Mistral. It certainly grabs the attention, being extremely short at just 237cm, bright red, extremely unusual both to sail and look at – and named to get noticed!On the water: Short and corky; you feel high up out of the water on a very small platform. It is extremely loose in feel, yet having lots of vee in the tail it gives secure grip in a straight line and allows reasonable blasting, despite its tiny fin. It is not an early planer, (due more to the rocker through the tail and softish rails than the short length) and it needs a solid breeze to get going, but once up and running it accelerates well and is lively and very manoeuvrable.
Non/marginal Planing: Although you might be surprised by how much support you do get from so small a board – if you are light it is certainly very easy to manoeuvre and spin round – it is really a bit too short for satisfying non planing freestyle, with not a great deal of flotation in front of the mast track for tacks etc.
Planing and Carving Freestyle: While slightly lacking in both longitudinal and lateral stability at speed and momentum through manoeuvres, it scores high on its ease of turning. It is particularly good for carving manoeuvres where you might stay in or near the straps (e.g.; upwind/downwind 360s), since the volume is concentrated there underfoot and it carves very tight and snappily, needing only a very small radius and short time to complete a turn.
Aerial Freestyle: It possesses very good pop as it bounces out of the water easily on its high volume. It also has noticeably low swing weight due to its short length, which makes it extremely flicky in the air and excellent for loops and Vulcans. The only very slight downside that we could find with that short length is that you have to keep your weight exaggeratedly forward when going for Spocks!
Slide: Short length and low vee mean that it slides and spins very easily indeed through all pivotal manoeuvres.
Freeride: The tail gives just enough
Freeride: The tail gives just enough grip for decent blasting in relatively flat water but with its high volume:length ratio it inevitably gets a bit bouncy in chop and higher winds, and it isn’t designed to hold in well through high speed drawn out gybes. Nevertheless, while certainly no freeride specialist, it can be fun and controllable in a straight line in the right conditions and gives good chop hopping.Waves: We had some excellent wave riding with the Pig. While not the easiest or quickest for getting out to the break and into position in light winds, once on the wave it is wonderfully loose and the short length makes it very easy to turn and very snappy off the top.
It also jumps well; reasonable in the take off and very lively in the air.
Conditions: It really needs a good 15 knots (solid Force 4+) to get going nicely, and it doesn’t take big sails that well. If you can’t get going on it with a 6.0m you may well be better off changing to a bigger board rather than putting up a 6.5m. Its ideal sail size range would seem between 5.3 and 6.0m; that wind band when it’s not quite enough for a wave board. As for water conditions, while it isn’t the easiest ride through chop it certainly loves jumping off it, and it’s a delight in waves.
Weights/abilities: With its short length it’s fairly weight sensitive and mainly suited to light to medium weight sailors. It is not intrinsically that difficult to sail but only advanced sailors (or better) will really be able to exploit its potential.
Other Comments
Fittings: It just about gets away with its tiny 22cm fin due to the high tail vee, but it feels an awful lot better and planes considerably earlier in most conditions with something a bit bigger in the box. The spread of the footstraps is fairly narrow – our taller sailors ended up with the front straps in the forward options and the back straps in the rear options.
SAS factor: Naish make a lot of the short length and the easy turning, jumps and low swing weight this gives, which is accurate. However, they also imply that the board is all about early planing and is the next level on from the old Mistral Scores (which Rick Naish and Harold Iggy also designed), which is false and misleading.
Overall: The Pig is a very unusual board and good fun to sail, giving a feel and experience that is completely out of the ordinary. Short, corky and highly manoeuvrable, it certainly inspires you to get radical. Most of the guest testers and testers really enjoyed trying it out, but ultimately all were agreed that it’s very much a specialist board, for those in to aerial and advanced freestyle in medium winds and/or lighter wind wave riding – areas in which it performs very well.
Price: £799 with 22cm classic box fin
Ja den va helröd!
Naish skulle det kunna vara. Den såg jävligt läcker ut + att en så kort bräda med den volymen borde vara grymt bra att lära sig mer freestyle på?
Eller finns det andra brädor med ungefär sama egenskaper
*kan tänka mig att naishen kostar en del* -
En länk till Naish och Flying Pig
Okej… jag tänkte att eftersom Naishen är såpass liten så borde den vara lättmanövrerad.
Det kanske finns andra brädor som är bättre att lära sig freestyle på?
Samtidigt vill jag ju inte ha en för klumpig och stor bräda.
Jag har en formula som är bra att träna sail360 o liknande på. Sen kör jag en mistral 267 slalom (90L) eller tiga264 vågbräda när det brallar på ordentligt.
Tycker dom är så ruskigt ranka, så en bräda på ca 100L och något bredare (ca100L) bör väl vara bra att träna på om jag vill behålla kvickheten i gippar och inte uppleva den som en ”dunk” över 10m/s
(Väger bara 60kg så små segel är vanligt för mig)
tacksam för ideer!
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