FS mast till RS3?
Kan jag använda min fiberspar 2003 till RS3. Jag har fått svaret nedan men önskar fler uttalanden.
Regarding RS3. Fiberspar has a flexcurve wich is constant and pryde uses more of a flextop bendcurve.
It´s possible to use FS in a pryde RS3 but it´ll make the sail a bit different.
Either the top will ”close” more vith the same deepness on the boom area as with x9.
Or if you pull more downhaul to get the top to open more you´ll get flatter profile on the boom area compared to x9Some people like it some don´t
So take a try or get a gaastra sail for that FS mast.Hope this helps
Kevin Kevin Pritchard
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