Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing FW istället för hårdvindsdrömmar.


  • FW istället för hårdvindsdrömmar.

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 1 mars, 2004 vid 12:04

    Yes you won´t forget those crazy days!

    Arriving to the beach you wonder if the door of the car is locked, -no it´s just the wind hammering on it.

    Sailing with a totally flat 3,4 and wery small boards, having fun in the lulls of 40-50 knots, but when the water is blown off the water surface, and you see the 60-65 gusts coming you just lay down in the water trying to hold your rig under the surface while the board really comes alive.

    I´ve had two such occations during my 23 years windsurfing. -What happends is you get your car dented because some fellow don´t manage to hold on to their gear, you see rigs flying 50 feet up in the air.

    I went to G.C. after one of those blow outs. From the aeroplane I could see parts of the woods, looking like matches spread on the floor.

    -Yes I will do it again! -just because it is very memoriable.

    I´d say up to 45 is fun, 45-50 is questionable, 50+ knots of wind is very hard if you don´t have flat waters, -not easy to find these days. -The powerful chop/waves give you a real work out! -Don´t focus on jumping! – Try to keep low to the ground!

    But most important, be realistic.. these days normally don´t happend in real world sailing, -don´t sit around waiting for it.
    Get yourself some FW-kit!

    Have fun! -Ulf

    Ulf Astrom  ( )

    swe-1 svarade 21 år sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • swe-1

    1 mars, 2004 vid 12:41

    …Or even a Lechner, still the fastest board in winds below 8 knots! wink.gif


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