Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing GP3S -Basic Rules 2008

  • faster

    1 april, 2008 vid 20:47
    Jester;455376 wrote:
    Tidiga versioner av GPSResults ”komer inte ihåg” inställningen vad gäller doppler-valet. Så se till att installera senaste versionen, där den biten är avlöst.

    Nu har jag installerat den senaste versionen V5.42 det var anledningen till dopplervalet.

  • glader

    1 april, 2008 vid 20:58

    Vad betyder dessa två?

    – Linear Speed. (Linear speed means that you calculate the speed over the exact positions a rider has sailed)
    – No interpolation of distance speeds

  • jester

    1 april, 2008 vid 21:25

    Linear speed innebär väl att man mäter sträckan över den sträcka som man verkligen har kört. Istället för kortaste vägen mellan en start-punkt och en slutpunkt.
    GPSResults kallar detta för Projection:

    controls projection of the travelled distance to a straight line instead of using the really travelled
    (accumulated) distance for speed computations (with and without linear interpolation).
    Projection results in slightly slower speeds because the travelled distance is in general longer
    than the projected distance.

    Interpolation: Hämtade detta från manualen av GPSResults:

    With this checkbox the selected track- or time-lengths will be interpolated exactly from the GPSdata,
    leading to more accurate and often slightly improved results.
    When Interpolation is switched off the track- or time-segments will be added conventionally
    until the selected value is reached. For example with the 500m selection the average over at
    least 500m will be used (the really travelled distance is displayed as second number in the
    Results list).
    When Interpolation is switched on, the average speed over the exact track- or time-lengths is
    computed by linear interpolation of the first or last trackpoints, depending on which piece was
    the slower one. Thus, only as much as necessary of the slower interval is used. In most cases
    this leads to slightly better average speeds. Only in cases where e.g. the first and the last
    sections were faster then the middle sections, the conventional method gives better, but more
    inaccurate averaged results, since then the average of the longer distance is better than the
    average of the really wanted distance.

    Lekte lite med denna inställnig häromdan på min senaste session.
    Utan interpolation: 30.468
    Med interpolation: 30.471

    Ingen större skillnad mao. Men eftersom reglerna säger at den inte skall vara på, så tar vi bort det krysset.

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