Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing GP3S siten uppe igen

  • GP3S siten uppe igen

    Publicerad av jester på 16 augusti, 2009 vid 20:08

    16 August by Dylan:

    1. Site was down.
    The Gps-speedsurfing site was down on Saturday and Sunday. We planned a hardware upgrade but unfortunately we had to reinstall the whole server which took much more time than expected. But the good news is we are back online!

    Nu skall den alltså fungera igen…

    jester svarade 15 år, 7 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • lundvall

    16 augusti, 2009 vid 21:02

    Dock verkar det strula när man skall ladda upp sessions?

    EDIT: Nu funkar det igen!

  • jester

    17 augusti, 2009 vid 05:32

    Lite andra nyheter:

    2. Site update 7 August: Dayrankings or day results MOVED!!
    The dayrankings or dayresults were listed before under ”forum & news”. With the latest site update the dayranking or dayresults are now listed under the ”ranking” menu. With the movement I introduced also some new search features to make it possible to search the dayranking results by year, country and spot.

    3. Red Cross
    A new feature at the site is that when you see a red cross near a certain speed in your profile it means that it needs to be validated by a RTK. If a RTK has not yet contacted you for a track, then you can click on the red cross lower in the table and an e-mail is generated. So do ’not’ send an e-mail when there is no speed with a red cross.

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