
  • anonym-anvandare

    9 december, 2005 vid 10:17

    I am happy to announce that we will be running a GPS racing demo at the 2005 World Championships in Melbourne Australia. This has come after my previous proposal that you can read on one of my previous news posts.

    The top 15-20 pro’s will each be carrying a Garmin Foretrex 201 GPS unit on them during all of the races. As this is just a Demo there won’t be anything live at this event. At the end of each days racing all the tracks from these racers will be posted to the website and viewers worldwide will be able to watch them race real time on the web. You will be able to watch all the arrows racing against each other around the course. You can see each guys current speed and VMG during the whole race along with other different options as well.

    This will be a great opportunity for everyone around the world to watch all the top pro’s race against each other real time and be able to compare them against each other. You will be able to fast forward, slow down and zoom in and out on each race watch your favorite racer and so on. I hope you will all enjoy.

    You will be able to watch the GPS racing on either http://www.formulawindsurfing.org or http://www.sailmelbourne.com.au/events/2. On both these websites as well as mine there will be all the reports and pictures from each day.

    This Demo is to create more excitement in this idea and hopefully to move it on to the next step to be able to use it on all the racers at each event, attracting more interest from viewers and sponsors and bringing our sport to a new level.

    So check it out….… /Devon Boulon


  • the_novice

    9 december, 2005 vid 12:02

    Möjligheten har väl funnits rätt länge nu, varje deltagare har med sig en gps som loggar ens position och efteråt så kör man alla loggar genom GPSAR, inget nytt alltså.
    Skulle väl vara mer intressant om det gjordes live eftersom det är stört omöjligt att fatta formula från stranden (förutom GWC’s RX funrace/matchrace då som faktiskt var rätt kul att se från standen). Om man däremot kunde få upp live resultat på en storbildskärm så skulle det nog kunna bli lite intressantare…
    Då krävs det väl ngn form av trådlös överföring, vet att Juri Munkki ha kikat lite på hur det kan göras och det finns väl ngn tråd om det på gps-speedsurfing.

  • stang

    10 december, 2005 vid 02:01

    Fan vad coolt!
    Skall bli riktigt kul och se vad det blir av detta!

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