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  • hbgkitare

    23 mars, 2009 vid 16:38

    På mitt visitkort står det ”Grafisk formgivare”, men vet inte om jag orkar!

  • samhansson

    23 mars, 2009 vid 16:58

    jag kan fixa trycket men original och webb hinner jag inte just nu.

  • blackadder

    23 mars, 2009 vid 17:04

    Jag hade femma i bild…

  • vogon-jeltz

    23 mars, 2009 vid 17:46

    @Hbgkitare 536654 wrote:

    På mitt visitkort står det ”Grafisk formgivare”, men vet inte om jag orkar!

    HAhA ”orkar” , du gör ju inget vettigt på Jobbet ändå

  • klubben

    24 mars, 2009 vid 07:55

    Min bästa polare jobbar på byrå och tar på sig vissa sidouppdrag, har bla gjort mycket grafiskt till Björn Gustavsson så han vet va han sysslar med, har bla. gjort omslaget till dvd’n och trycket på tishorna… kan kolla med honom om du vill?

  • skotten

    24 mars, 2009 vid 10:24

    Ask Lina… she knows a guy called rasmus with pink nipples… PINK!!! otherwise you can ask the guys at STICKIT to help you out, 8 times out of 10 they do the graphic design work for their customers… ok maybe not 8 times out of 10… its probably half that.. Otherwise, why not pay me to do it..

  • lina

    24 mars, 2009 vid 11:53

    @skotten 536771 wrote:

    Ask Lina… she knows a guy called rasmus with pink nipples… PINK!!! otherwise you can ask the guys at STICKIT to help you out, 8 times out of 10 they do the graphic design work for their customers… ok maybe not 8 times out of 10… its probably half that.. Otherwise, why not pay me to do it..

    pink nipples???? hahahhahah

  • lina

    24 mars, 2009 vid 11:57

    jag frilansar som grafisk designer

  • tomp89

    24 mars, 2009 vid 15:44
    skotten;536771 wrote:
    Ask Lina… she knows a guy called rasmus with pink nipples… PINK!!! otherwise you can ask the guys at STICKIT to help you out, 8 times out of 10 they do the graphic design work for their customers… ok maybe not 8 times out of 10… its probably half that.. Otherwise, why not pay me to do it..

    vill INTE veta när du såg på så nära håll att han vårtor va rosa 😀

  • skotten

    24 mars, 2009 vid 22:06

    its actually what I didnt see.. he was standing next to Gonzo and they both had white t-shirts on.. trying to allure me into buying them a beer with a wet t-shirt contest… Gonzo’s brown nipples were clearly visable.. all I saw on Rasmus were a couple of peanut sized bumps where they should have been… be the judge yourself…. PINK!!

    Pink nipples fukkin rock by the way… ask sourra

  • sourra

    24 mars, 2009 vid 22:35

    You are confused. Mine matches my oh so lovely tanned skin. Nuf said.

  • skotten

    24 mars, 2009 vid 22:54

    pssssh.. thats BS sourra… you told me you had pink ones

  • madde001

    27 november, 2011 vid 16:04

    @blackadder….och jag hade fyra i bild 3 år i rad

  • rickard_nr1

    27 november, 2011 vid 18:57

    årets trådlyft…

  • acemattias

    27 november, 2011 vid 19:14

    Min Avatar ar till salu!
    Assimilering av mitt varumarke skulle multum lyfta Robsport:laugh:

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