• nisseman

    13 juni, 2006 at 21:56

    Bra tryck i 7,4 varmt i vattnet det blev ett bra slut på en varm dag.
    Stackas stoffe som skulle ut en sista gång men när han hoppade på brädan skar han upp 2 tår så blodet rann men det finns ju läkare på Haga som fixar sånt.

  • petter_f

    13 juni, 2006 at 23:41

    My girlfriend and I might come up to Haga wed-thurs in the search of wind. If the direction doesn’t suit Haga (DMI says N and SMHI says S to W so don’t really know what is happening there) where would the most of you go otherwise? I’m not after a description of all the spots on Öland, just the possibles for tomorrows conditions. Would be nice to be around other surfers. No waves though.

    Also, where would you recommend for staying the night? Cheap but dry.

    Thanks, Petter.

  • styret

    14 juni, 2006 at 06:27

    alla dom riktningarna funkar på haga. nord och syd är dom riktningarna brukar producera bris.

    kom igen och öka nu innan eftermiddagen vindajävel!

  • johanc

    14 juni, 2006 at 06:40
    Petter_F wrote:
    My girlfriend and I might come up to Haga wed-thurs in the search of wind. If the direction doesn’t suit Haga (DMI says N and SMHI says S to W so don’t really know what is happening there) where would the most of you go otherwise? I’m not after a description of all the spots on Öland, just the possibles for tomorrows conditions. Would be nice to be around other surfers. No waves though.

    Also, where would you recommend for staying the night? Cheap but dry.

    Thanks, Petter.

    Today is going to be a breeze day for sure… No clouds and SW 6 knots as we speak. Rig your 6.7+ around 1 pm and you´re set to go. Tomorrow looks more hazardous.. NW 15 knots may be too little for the east coast of Öland but if you´re a freestyler Haga could work too.

    C u there!


  • petter_f

    14 juni, 2006 at 07:01
    JohanC wrote:
    Rig your 6.7+ around 1 pm and you´re set to go. Tomorrow looks more hazardous.. NW 15 knots may be too little for the east coast of Öland but if you´re a freestyler Haga could work too. We only have 5.5 and 6.0 respectively on 100L freestyle boards, although at most we weigh 65kg. What do you expect it to blow in M/S today? Maybe it isn’t worth coming for us. I thought it would be windier when I looked at the report yesterday.

    Thanks for the help.

  • philippos

    14 juni, 2006 at 17:30

    Ännu en bra dag på Haga. Sent på eftermiddagen kl 15.30 kom den efterlängtade brisen med besked. Det blev 5.0-segling fram till kl 18.30. I skrivandets stund så har vinden precis slagit om till rak nord och pungar nu på med 15 m/s i byarna. Bara att slänga på sig våtdräkten och dra ut igen. Skam den som ger sig!

    Imorgon blir det Skåne för hela slanten.

  • johanc

    14 juni, 2006 at 21:13
    Petter_F wrote:
    JohanC wrote:
    Rig your 6.7+ around 1 pm and you´re set to go. Tomorrow looks more hazardous.. NW 15 knots may be too little for the east coast of Öland but if you´re a freestyler Haga could work too. We only have 5.5 and 6.0 respectively on 100L freestyle boards, although at most we weigh 65kg. What do you expect it to blow in M/S today? Maybe it isn’t worth coming for us. I thought it would be windier when I looked at the report yesterday.

    Thanks for the help.

    You would have rocked!! The train arrived at 1pm and just continued giving force throughout the afternoon.. A lovely outing, I became overpowered around 2pm on my 6.9…

    Seriöst en av mina trevligare surfdagar.. inte hårdaste eller roligaste men trevligaste. 6.9 freeride i shorts och rashguard med en alldeles underbar sol… Det enda smolket i glädjebägaren var att jag provade Utz rigg så nu blir det väl till att kita upp sig igen… Någon som är sugen på en ZeroFive från -01 i gott skick???

    Älska Haga!!


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