Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Foto & Video help me choose a used lens… sigma 70-200,f2.8 version 1 or canon 70-200 f4 IS


  • help me choose a used lens… sigma 70-200,f2.8 version 1 or canon 70-200 f4 IS

    Publicerad av skotten på 27 juni, 2009 vid 09:38

    this is a tough one for me, what should I think is most important? the f2.8 or the build quality?

    I have heard that the sigma is having problems with focusing in front of the subjects, and there has been some build quality issues.

    weight doesnt really bother me, so we can kinna strike that one from the list.

    Price. sure its the older version of the sigma and he wants 5000 for it. He wants 6000 for the canon

    Have you had any problems with wither of these lenses? what would you change about them?, finally which one should I go for?

    dannep svarade 15 år, 8 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 6 Svar
  • 6 Svar
  • Knatte

    27 juni, 2009 vid 10:49
    skotten;555732 wrote:
    this is a tough one for me, what should I think is most important? the f2.8 or the build quality?

    I have heard that the sigma is having problems with focusing in front of the subjects, and there has been some build quality issues.

    weight doesnt really bother me, so we can kinna strike that one from the list.

    Price. sure its the older version of the sigma and he wants 5000 for it. He wants 6000 for the canon

    Have you had any problems with wither of these lenses? what would you change about them?, finally which one should I go for?

    I should go for the Canon all times… :wink::wink:
    In normal case, is not so fast/exact autofocus (autofocus engine) in piratlenses. (Tokina/Sigma/Tamron)
    So if you should foto action, i think Canon is a far better choice, but moore expensive also. Quality always cost

    I think is worse quality in Sigma lenses and some lenses is good, some is not..

  • Knatte

    29 juni, 2009 vid 07:23

    In the latest fotomagasin Kamera & Bild issue 06, they test telezoom and the both Canon Eos ( EF 70-200 F4L IS EF 70-200 F2.8 IS) lenses won the test together with Pentax.
    Not the same lenses that you asked about, but both Sigma/Tamron was litle bit cheaper, but have not high result.
    The conclusion was, if you want quality and want ”IS” buy Canon. The Sigma or Tamron isn’t bad, but not as high quality as Canon Orginal..

  • haze

    29 juni, 2009 vid 15:18

    I don´t now about Canon but i use Sigma for my Nikon and that´s is almost the same quality. I had a both lenses before but sell my Nikon to a friend and keep the Sigma…

  • dannep

    30 juni, 2009 vid 00:06

    Skotten: I have the Sigma 70-200 lens with Nikon. If you want to you can test it some day at Habo!

    / Daniel

  • skotten

    1 juli, 2009 vid 09:39

    faack this is harder than I thought… hows the focusing on the sigma? I hear that there are some front focusing issues with it?

  • dannep

    1 juli, 2009 vid 11:28
    skotten;556396 wrote:
    faack this is harder than I thought… hows the focusing on the sigma? I hear that there are some front focusing issues with it?

    The thing I have seen is that on F2,8 in 200mm its a bit soft in focus.

    If you ask me its abit expensive with 5000 for the first version, you should get the latest one for that prize.

    Kolla upp där är många trådar om Sigma 70-200!


    / Danne

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