klippt från http://groups.yahoo.com/group/boardbuilder/message/360
ang takoon 2003. kan vara intressant att läsa…
From: ”Eric Hertsens”
Date: Sat Apr 5, 2003 3:00 am
Subject: Re: [boardbuilder] Yehaaaaa produced our first kite
Stay away from the 2003 takoons, they are crap, they have no hangtime and they tend to drop you out of the sky like a brick.
Both the Scoop 2 and the Wook are made out of a material that when it rips, I call it more shreds, leaves you with an expensive repair.
I have seen brand new Wooks and Skoop 2’s worn out in 10 hours use, or trashed on the first crash.
The word is that the Scoop, witch was a killer hang time kite, lost its hangtime in 2003. I see The boy’s on their old Scoops every day. Joseph Caneiro rides his 2003 because he’s a real professional rider, the others use the old version
SO bottom line, DON”T waist your money on them until they solve the problem.
Original Message
From: Dènis Riedijk
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [boardbuilder] Yehaaaaa produced our first kite
Original Message
From: Eric Hertsens
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [boardbuilder] Yehaaaaa produced our first kite
We already have bars and lines, and yes the bladders will be made here. (easy part)
The weather has been bad so no pictures yet,
Ahh, good to know, we are not the only ones to have bad weather 😉
About the handling….. EH 🙂 handling,… light on the arms I’m an old man 🙂
Ha ha, so the airblast style kind of kites 🙂
I hope it’s warming the Dutch birds that were flying here all winter are slowly leaving town .. 🙂 watch out for them, some got really good.
If you mean guys like Christiaan Brouwer : I know, yesterday I saw him kick ass. His style has really progressed to a fluent one. Last year he was already making the moves, now he does them with style and ease.
Ehh, on a completely other note : I am thinking of getting a 2003 Takoon to fill a gap in my quiver, but I heard a rumour of an anonymous writer that the Wooks are breaking really easy in Cabarete ?? Have you heard / seen anything to confirm this ??
greetz and I hope you have good weather for testing soon,