Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Holland Re-Match

  • badjanne

    11 november, 2009 at 11:08

    Boende i Holland

    Har haft lite mailutbyte med Roger om boende.
    Följande möjligheter finns (utöver camping)

    We may be able to rent a house (the big house (16 persons) in the back (Marina Hoeve) on the campsite then. Costs would be around 100 Euro pp. for a week.

  • badjanne

    22 december, 2009 at 14:05

    09 December by Roger:

    1. Use the Auto Upload function
    As we have added new features to the site that can only work when you use the auto upload function we strongly advice you to use that in the software.
    This also helps us a lot when checking sessions as we have more info in the database.
    We are also investigating the possibility to only allow the use of the auto function. More info will follow soon.

    2. Holland – Sweden Rematch
    We are currently very busy trying to organise a rematch for the Heineken Trophy that was won this year by the Swedish riders. The idea is to have the event at Bad Hoophuizen from 30-04 till 05-05-2010. In January we hope to come with more details.

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