Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Inbjuda till Formusl SM/NM Halmstad 5-7 Juli

  • Inbjuda till Formusl SM/NM Halmstad 5-7 Juli

    Publicerad av swe-31 på 16 juni, 2013 vid 18:13

    Notice of Race

    2013 Open Swedish and Nordic championships
    Formula Windsurfing
    Halmstad Sweden 5-7 July

    1. EVENT
    1.1 The Championships will be held from Friday 5th of July to sunday 7th of July 2013.
    1.2 This Championship is an FW World Ranking event: Level no. 2 Event factor : 1.
    1.3 Event/info. email:

    2.1 The Championships will be organized by Windsurfing Club Halmstad for and on behalf of the Swedish & Scandinavian Sailing Federation.

    3. VENUE
    3.1 The event will be based at Ringenäs Beach, Halmstad Sweden.
    3.2 Ringenäs Beach is situated 10 km from Halmstad city.
    3.3 Conditions to be expected – winds 10-30 knots, water temperature 19-21 C, air temperature 17-27 C, waves normally 0-2,0 m in july.

    4. RULES
    4.1 The ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016.
    4.1.1 Formula Windsurfing Class Rules.
    4.1.2 Rules for Nordic Championships.
    4.1.3 No National Authority prescriptions will apply.
    4.2 If there is a conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions (SI’s), the SI’s shall take precedence.
    4.3 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.

    5.1 ISAF Regulation 20 – Advertising Code – shall apply.
    5.2 Competitors may be required to carry advertising for event sponsors – both on their sails, and on a lycra vest if supplied by the organizer.

    6.1 All entries shall meet the requirements of ISAF Regulation 19 – Eligibility Code.
    6.2 Competitors shall be members of a National Class Association.
    6.3 Membership formalities can be completed on site.

    6.4 Entries shall be online via website:

    6.5 Competitors shall provide the following documentation prior to completing registration formalities on site:
    – Proof of Entry Fee payment
    – Evidence of valid third party insurance
    – Proof of age
    – Parental/legal Guardian Assent – for those under age of 18
    – Medical Treatment Permission – for those under age of 18 or on their parents medical insurance policy
    6.6 Coaches and team support personnel shall provide the following documentation prior to completing registration formalities on site:
    – Boat Driving Licence (if applicable)
    – Evidence of valid third party insurance

    7. FEES
    7.1 The Entry Fee is as follows: SEK 800 paid by June 27, 2013.
    7.2 Entry after 27th of June, only cash on site SEK 900.
    7.4 Bank transfers shall be in the name of : Nordic Championship, and your sail number and be sent to:

    Windsurfing Club Halmstad
    Account Name: Handelsbanken Sweden
    BIC/national bankID: HANDSESS
    Bankaccount: 502 169 958
    Clearing: 6748
    IBAN: SE90 6000 0000 0005 0216 9958

    Or to: Windsurfing Club Halmstad postgiro: 815207-6

    7.5 Banquet (included in the entry fee for competitors), coaches, family SEK 195 skr.


    8.1.1 The Championship shall be a ”open entry” event.
    8.1.2 There may be separate prizes for, Junior, Youth, Senior, Master, G-master, Women and Lightweight Men’s divisions.
    8.1.3 Men and women may race separately, depending on entry numbers.
    8.1.4 The maximum ”fleet size” shall be 100.
    8.1.5 It will be 1 starting fleet.
    8.1.6 A competitor must have reached the minimum age limit, in the relevant division, by Dec. 31st 2012.

    8.1.7 A competitor must not be older than the maximum age limit, in the relevant division, by Dec. 31st 2013.
    8.1.8 Junior (C) is a boy or girl who is under the age of 17.
    8.1.9 A Youth (D) shall be under the age of 20.
    8.1.10 A Master (F) is a man who has reached the age of 35 or for a woman, 30.

    9.1 Event Schedule

    Friday 05.07.2013
    09.00hrs-11.00hrs Registration
    11.30hrs Skippers Meeting
    12.30hrs Racing

    Saturday 06.07.2013
    10.00hrs Skippers Meeting
    11.00hrs Racing
    19.00hrs Banquet.

    Sunday 07.07.2013
    10.00hrs Skippers Meeting
    11.00hrs Racing
    16.00hrs Last possible warning signal
    17.00hrs (tentiatively) Price Ceremony

    9.2 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 10.55hrs, except the first day at 12.25hrs.
    9.3 The racing schedule may be altered, and is governed by the SI’s.

    10.1 It is the responsibility of each competitor to ensure that his/her board and equipment conforms to its Class Rules, and an Equipment Registration Form is returned to the race office during registration.
    10.2 Equipment checks may be made throughout the event.
    10.3 Competitors shall bring their own equipment.

    11.1 The ’Championship SIs’ will be available at registration.

    12. COURSES
    12.1 Courses shall be as prescribed in the Sailing Instructions or will be posted on the official notice board on the day of racing.

    13. SCORING
    13.1 Scoring will be in accordance with WCR Appendix A using the ”Low Points Scoring System.”
    13.2 In alteration to WCR Appendix A2 the following applies for excluding scores:

    1-3 races – 0 excluded
    4-6 races – 1 excluded
    7-10 races – 2 excluded
    11-15 races – 3 excluded

    14.1 Please note that each competitor has his/her own responsibility of storing and safekeeping of his/her equipment during the regatta.(Ringenäs is normally a safe place with very low crime rate, but with a high number of people passing by during summer)
    The organizer supply with restricted area and guard for storing and safekeeping. The organizer takes no legal responsibility for damage or theft.

    15.1 Medals shall be awarded in each class/division that constitutes an approved Nordic Championship. (Limitations apply ref 4.1.3)
    15.2 Medals/trophees shall be awarded to the first three competitors, in each class/division.
    15.3 The first man and woman in the championship, shall be known as the Nordic. Champion.
    15.4 The first Swedish man and woman shall be known as the Swedish Champion.

    16. BUOYANCY
    16.1 If personal buoyancy is prescribed every competitor and support boat crewmember shall wear, above the waist, a personal flotation device that shall conform to the minimum standard of ISO 12402-5 (level 50)
    16.2 Personal buoyancy is mandatory for all competitors.

    17.1 Competitors take part in all races at their own risk. The organiser, SVF or any of their officials or representatives or any sponsors or their officials or representatives are not responsible, under any circumstances, for any damage, loss or injury either ashore or on the water either to persons or equipment, which may result.
    17.2 Participation in this event, supporting events and in each race in them is at the sole discretion of the sailor and at his/her own risk. Notice is drawn to RRS 4.

    18.1 Competitors shall possess valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of 300,000 Euro.

    19. MEDIA
    19.1 In registering for the event, competitors automatically grant to the Organising Authority the right in perpetuity to make, use and show from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproduction of them, taken during the period of the event, for the said Championship as defined in the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions in which he/she participates without compensation.

    A wide range of accommodation is available in Halmstad area. The most convenient ones are listed below:
    20.1 Turistbyrån Halmstad
    (Kronocamping Frösakull 4km, Vilshärads camping 2km, Hotell Tylösand 5km)

    21. TRAVEL
    21.1 Ships from Denmark, it is many ships to choice (prize from 25-250€):
    21.2 E6, E20 from north and south, E4 from east, direction Halmstad.
    21.3 Follow signs from Halmstad center towards Tylösand, after appr. 6 km keep right towards Frösakull, Ringenäs to the left after appr. 2 km. (north part of Tylösand bay)

    22.1 Official sponsor: Åka Skidor & Motorhalland

    klang svarade 11 år, 8 månader sedan 9 Medlemmar · 10 Svar
  • 10 Svar
  • the_novice

    3 juli, 2013 vid 11:49

    Nu är det snart dags…
    Finns det ngn statistik med antal anmälda? Vore kul med ett ordentligt startfält 🙂

  • budda

    7 juli, 2013 vid 19:24

    och hur gick det

  • jester

    8 juli, 2013 vid 05:39

    Saxat från FB:

    Stort grattis till Robert Åberg SWE-13 som återigen kan titulera sig Nordisk och Svensk mästare i Formula windsurfing. Robert vann senast Nordiska mästerskapen 2004 i Finland. Sverige tog även silver platsen på NM genom Ulf Sjöstedt SWE-8, Ulf tog även silvret i SM, Regerande Svenske mästaren Per Boström SWE-92 missade precis pallen på NM med en 4:e placering men tog bronset på SM. 4:a i SM och 8:a i NM blev Daniel Nerhagen SWE-31.

  • andersbq

    8 juli, 2013 vid 07:45

    Bra seglat Robban, Uffe, Per och Dala! Lite rotation på pallplatserna!

  • swe-31

    8 juli, 2013 vid 12:48

    En riktigt lyckad tävling. Vi seglade alla tre dagarna och genomförde 10 race och ett avbrutet. Riktigt fina förhållanden, sol, vind och värme. Propagande segling helt enkelt.

    Det finns bilder och mer info på SVFs FB sida.

  • swe-496

    8 juli, 2013 vid 23:19

    Någon som har en direktlänk till rätt klipp/program från SM-veckan på SVT-play? Det var tydligen en del från SM/NM har jag hört.

  • billie

    9 juli, 2013 vid 07:32

    @SWE 496 712711 wrote:

    Någon som har en direktlänk till rätt klipp/program från SM-veckan på SVT-play? Det var tydligen en del från SM/NM har jag hört.

    Cirka 8:10 in i filmen

  • klang

    9 juli, 2013 vid 19:14

    Super event, underbart med det fina vädret och alla seglingar. Kanon skönt häng på stranden mellan heat:en.

    Stor eloge till Åberg som presenterade NM för SVT på ett proffsigt sätt.

  • marcus

    11 juli, 2013 vid 21:24

    Stort grattis, mkt bra seglat av er !!!

  • klang

    16 juli, 2013 vid 08:32

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