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its important to scare yourself once a day…
Publicerad av skotten på 1 september, 2009 vid 23:40[ame=””]Ultra Low High Speed Flyby Video@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
skotten svarade 15 år, 6 månader sedan 8 Medlemmar · 11 Svar -
11 Svar
Kul, men verkar vara fake… Han borde ha slagits omkull.
Ludde and I had a romantic lunch together… when I pronounced our love in the middle of the bar, it was simply awesome.
ja lite konstigt, kameran skakar duktigt men han står som en staty :confused2:
obviously you guys dont see real men that often 😛 … thats what they look like.
skotten;572624 wrote:obviously you guys dont see real men that often 😛 … thats what they look like.
Well… Ask him to come and fly over habo ljung next time you go out kiting, then…
dont hold your breath because I either never ride in habo… or I am too hungover to ride lol….
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