Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing jag döör..

  • psychonauten

    12 juni, 2006 vid 07:39

    IRONI! att mn ska behöva skriva det.. 🙂

  • skotten

    12 juni, 2006 vid 15:38

    Cant talk to Johan like that, if we had more kiters like him there would be no reason for nOObs to make their own mistakes (he gives free advice to all noobs on the beach) and no reason for winsdurfers to complain that we are small minded and nasty (he is the nicest guy on the planet and has never, ever said anything to provoke the whole Kiteboarder VS windsurfer issue)

    In fact Johan, we ALL love you man…. show us your nipples!

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