Jordbävningen i Chile
Mycket hård smäll för Chile, och även för det lokala vindsurfstället Matanzas.
Jag har planer på Chile i december, och om inte det ser helt omöjligt ut så tänker jag åka dit. Känns faktiskt ännu viktigare nu, inte bara ”vindsurfsemester”, utan även åka dit och spendera mina pengar så att de kan bygga upp byn igen.
Man kan skänka pengar på http://www.justgiving.com/ChileEarthquakeResponse
Jag gjorde det nyss och det funkade smidigt. Hoppas pengarna kan vara till hjälp, de har redan fått in uppemot 70 000 SEK.
Det hela sköts av David Swift, Robby Swifts brorsa. Robby Swift och Klaas Voget var där, här är Robby Swifts berättelse:
The earthquake hit Chile badly and destroyed many parts of the coast. As well the famous waveriding spot Matanzas got hit hard.
Robby Swift just was there in his house, when the earthquake happend. Read here what he posted on Facebook and as well his brother set up a website, where people can donate money.“thank you to everyone who has contacted us in concern. just to let everyone know, we escaped without injury but were obviously very scared and the house was badly damaged. there are many people much less fortunate than us though. the village below us was torn apart first by the earthquake and then by the tsunami. i wil…l post some pictures of the horrible sights later on. in the mean time, for those of you who feel moved to help, my brother has set up a charity for donations at the link below. the money will go to the small, humble community who have worked their whole lives to build the small village they call home and many of whom are now left with nothing at all. watching the coverage here on the news now that we are in santiago moves you to tears as you see the people simply asking for help so that they can get back to work and have somewhere to sleep, eat and drink. nothing more. heidy, klaas, victor and i are going to stay in santiago for one night to buy supplies of water, tools and generators to take back and start helping to rebuild their homes. for those of you who have asked about our houses, they survived reasonably well structurally, just a lot of broken glass and cracked concrete. thank you all for your support and messages. sorry for the group message like this, but we have so much to do that it is the only way to let everyone know what is going on.”
– Pictures Matanzas
– Mer bilder från Matanzas på windsurf.cl
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