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  • Josh Stone Kör JP…

    Publicerad av fredrik-b på 5 januari, 2000 vid 22:52

    Stone Goes to JP Australia for 2000

    Aloha Everyone


    As the new millennium is on us, it seems like change is happening everywhere, and a big change has happened for me.

    For the 1st time in my professional windsurfing career, I have decided to change sponsors. After 5 successful and happy years with F2, I have decided to make a move to JP Australia for 2000. This move is in good spirits and there are no bad feelings between F2 and myself.

    I wish F2 all the best and I hope they can enjoy continued success for years to come.

    The main reason for my move is that I have been very impressed with the evolution of the JP Australia brand. They have been making an excellent product and I think they have a great future.

    Simply put, their boards are ripping, and of course, I look forward to working with Jason Polakow again.

    Together, with the testing centre in Maui, I am sure we can come up with some great products. It feels like I’m getting back to the roots. It is a very exciting time, and I am honoured to be a part of such a dynamic, energetic company, and look forward to success and growth into the millennium.

    See you on the water!



    maui-mange svarade 25 år, 2 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • johan-s-2

    6 januari, 2000 vid 15:35

    Det var som fan!
    Att F2 släpte en champion

  • lenny

    7 januari, 2000 vid 21:48

    hm, JP shapas väl av Thommen. Kanske äger F2 JP. Som i sin tur äger/ägs av mistral. Eller nåt!

  • fredrik-b

    7 januari, 2000 vid 22:10

    Läste det i Tyska surf, men orkade inte läsa hela artikeln eftersom det var på tyska… Inte bra

    Fredrik B

  • maui-mange

    10 januari, 2000 vid 11:40

    Nein Nein…..
    Tyskalektion nr 1: I artikeln stod det ”NP verkauft RRD boards” vilket betyder att NP säljer Robertos brädor. Detta gällde bara den tyska marknaden.


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