juice, lots of juice….
well now that I devoted 2008 to managing my ass hair problem, 2009 brings new challenges, and new opportunities. Its time for me to look at the belly..
No, not the hair….
I know it will all come as a bit of a shock, and some may even be wondering if I will still be saying stuff like ”sweet to the belly”, but managing my asshair hasnt changed me, and I promise, this wont either.
I need some advice on what exactly to throw in my juice machine.. I tried coke, but it tasted wierd when it came out the other end, and I am not sure it was much healthier..
what am I doing wrong? do I need to mix the coke with something? there are a bunch of blades and stuff inside the machine, but I thought that was so that you didnt have to open the bottle and could just throw it in there.
Any advice is appreciated.
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