Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Is & Snösurf King of the Ice 2015

  • King of the Ice 2015

    Publicerad av herr-pelegrin på 30 december, 2014 vid 19:52

    Tack vare Kinabalu och Jeff så går tävlingen igång för andra säsongen i rad:

    Challenge – King of the ICE 2015 – Iceboard Windsurfing

    New year – New challenge!!

    Sweden dominated the King of the Ice – 2014 with the four first places! Winner was Stefan Söderlund with best result on Alpha and Hour and second best on 5x10sec!

    Who will challenge the Swedes 2015?

    Hopefully, the Ice conditions will be better this season. Netherlands hardly got any ice at all last season and USA never got the perfect conditions they were waiting for.

    If we all get good ice conditions it will be a tough fight!!

    The Individual King of the Ice as well as best nation will be nominated.

    Rules are simple:
    Three disciplines will be included in the King of the Ice Challenge.
    * 5x 10 sec. average speed
    * 1 Hour (average speed during one hour)
    * Alpha Racing (500m run including a jibe and coming back to start point within 50m.

    The best speed in each discipline, within the duration of the challenge will be counted.

    You do not have to register or apply to join the challenge. Just by posting your speeds at GPS Ice sailing site you are in the challenge and will have the chance to become King of the ICE 2015!

    You do not need to be a gold member, but we would encourage everyone to become gold members and support this fantastic site that enables all of us to compete no matter where in the world we are.

    Class: IceSnow Sledes – Windsurfing only

    GPS type: Only types that are approved by GP3S

    Spot: No limitation. Any spot in any country accepted

    1) Average (5×10 sec)
    2) 1 Hour
    3) Alpha racing (500)

    Duration of the challenge
    The challenge starts January 1st 2015 and ends the last of April-2015 (2015-01-01 to 2015-04-30).

    The best result in each discipline will be counted. Result will be taken from ‘Overall Ranking’ in GPS Land and Ice Sailing with the following filter:
    – Year: 2015
    – Speed types: ‘Average’, ‘1 Hour’ and ‘Alpha racing’
    – Class: IceSnow Sledes – Windsurfing

    Obvious fault or incorrect figures will be changed, removed or not calculated.

    The scores will be calculated on a low point scoring system. Winner of each discipline will get 0,7, second place 2p, third 3p etc. If you have no result in one discipline your points will be calculated as last place in this discipline +1.

    The winner of King of the ICE 2015 – Windsurfing will be the sailor with lowest total points.

    The Best Nation will be nominated based on the 5 best sailors in each country.

    The challenge is ON!!

    vindsokaren svarade 9 år, 10 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 11 Svar
  • 11 Svar

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