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King of the ice 2016
Publicerad av herr-pelegrin på 10 december, 2015 vid 20:24Vi får väl anta att man kör KOTI 2016 för tredje året i rad. Det verkar inte vara is tillräckligt någonstans för att årets ställning ska ändras, om nu inte Luleborna chockar världen med toppnoteringar.
herr-pelegrin svarade 8 år, 10 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 4 Svar -
4 Svar
We are proud to crown Dean Withrow of team USA ‘King of the Ice 2016’, for his first ice sailing championship! This season’s event was quite challenging for all, with 26 competitors from six countries represented, USA, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Netherlands and Canada, making for a truly international competition.
Dean showed expert skills in all four disciplines, breaking speed records, sailing insane distances and showing competitive Alpha jibes, proving that one needs all skills to do well in this fleet of experienced competition. And he did it all with only two logged days on the ice!
Speaking of breaking speed records, Henrik Mard sets new all-time fastest speed ever seen by any iceboards with an impressive 59 knots! New goals are now set for future speed seekers to surpass 60 knots!
While my speed record has fallen, I manage to take a cool 2nd place, but even that was a challenge to stay on top, I had to really work for it, and found inspiration each day out.
But the King contest is more than just about speed, and Tobias Bodin is showing us how the Alpha ranks are achieved, taking 1st in Alpha and 3rd place overall. Close tie for Alpha score between Tobias and myself, with the tie breaking ‘next best finish’ way too close for comfort! Tob knows he needs to work his speed discipline next year, but a great accomplishment seen this season, even without it!Anders Ahlen and Tommy Gustavsson take the number of sessions per season to a ‘new level of jealousy’, posting nearly 50 days between them! While Stefan Soderlund , former King of the Ice 2014, only posts one GPS session but still manages top ranks, we need to see more of him next year between his racing schedule!
But the ones to watch next are Rob Myles and Alex Wadson, both experienced high tech yacht racers and rig designers. These guys constantly fly around the yachting world for their professions, but always reliable to show up for the best ice conditions. Both achieved top scores and set new personal best speeds this season.
Let’s welcome our first Baltic nations to the event. Lehar Jurimae from Estonia and Giedrius Liutkus from Lithuania, both posted a few sessions between their busy racing schedule. We observe from the WISSA racing results they are serious contenders for King of the Ice. Get your whole gang on board for next year!
Team USA had a very short season with above normal temperatures making ice difficult to find. But not as bad as the dire situation in our highly competitive Netherland nation, here’s to wishing them better luck next year.
Without question, Sweden is the new world mecca for icesurfing with such consistent conditions. Maybe we should just all show up there next year!Meanwhile, keep sharp and ready for next year’s King of the Ice challenge!
Här är resultaten! Längre ned kan man se vilken åkare som hamnade i topp i respektive land.
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