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  • kalabra

    15 januari, 2004 vid 13:44
  • patrikol

    2 februari, 2004 vid 17:12

    Det senaste utdraget ur en lång serie av kitesäkerhet riktlinjer genom åren.

    FKA, Inc.
    transcribed by:
    Rick Iossi


    The following ideas are presented to try to improve kiteboarder and
    bystander safety, to reduce complaints and attempt to preserve our access to
    ride. These ideas have been taken from the analysis of over 100 accidents
    that have happened worldwide over several years. Many of these accidents
    might have been avoided if a bit more knowledge and care were used.
    Kiteboarding can be hazardous to the rider and to bystanders, particularly
    if practiced without adequate training, safety gear, knowledge and caution.
    NOTE: Riders must accept that even if these guidelines are followed, that
    accidents, injury and even death may occur in the ”extreme sport” of
    kiteboarding. Kites can exert very substantial force with little to no
    warning with sudden gusts, improper line attachment, mishandling, etc.,
    resulting in dragging and/or lofting, possibly with no time to effectively
    react. And, NO “you can’t always just let go or kill the power of the
    kite,” as many accidents have established. Your ability to safely depower
    your kite in an emergency will weigh heavily on your technique, preparation
    and reliability of your gear.

    Kiteboarders should consider these ideas, area specific guidelines if
    applicable along with other prudent and safe practices appropriate for local
    conditions. Cutting corners or picking and choosing safe kiteboarding
    practices can seriously reduce the rider’s factor of safety and increase the
    odds of an accident. Seek local, competent knowledge regarding safe local
    practices as special precautions may be indicated beyond those discussed
    here. Safety automatically increases to some degree once the rider becomes
    both aware of and takes potential hazards seriously. By contrast, ignorance
    and indifference raise the hazard level substantially and have frequently
    been a factor in avoidable accidents. These guidelines have been updated
    frequently over the years, so please check the FKA website for the latest
    version. Don’t use old versions of these guidelines as important changes
    occur with new knowledge gained over time.


    1. JUMP TO HELP KITEBOARDERS. Readily help other riders with launching and
    landing using reliable agreed upon visual and audible communications.
    Whether you are starting out or are almost a pro, your help may avoid a
    serious incident/accident and possible restrictions. NEVER grab the lines of
    a flying or powered kite. Get involved with your local association or club
    and with area riders to try to preserve access to kiteboard. Riders are
    solely responsible for their safety and that of effected bystanders. If you
    are new to an area or visiting, seek out local kiteboarders, shops and/or
    associations for local guidelines and tips BEFORE riding. Don’t ruin things
    for the local riders.

    2. GET ADEQUATE PRO KITEBOARDING TRAINING. Kiteboarders, particularly
    beginners should seek adequate, quality professional instruction. Beginners
    must avoid crowded areas particularly as kite control is still being
    developed. Beginners should body drag out at least 300 ft. (60m) from shore
    prior to water starting and should always stay out of guarded or restricted
    beach areas. Be careful in your launch area selection and be willing to
    drive and walk a bit further to have more ideal conditions. Build your skill
    and experience carefully, you will advance faster for your effort. Riders
    have been injured for choosing poor launches when far safer conditions were
    relatively close by. Be particularly careful in new conditions and at the
    START and END of the riding season. Many accidents occur in these times
    even among experienced riders. In kiteboarding, “DISTANCE IS YOUR FRIEND,”
    so use it!

    3. KITEBOARD WITHIN YOUR LIMITS. Know your equipment’s limitations as well
    as your own. If you aren’t 100% healthy OR IN DOUBT, DON’T FLY! You should
    be comfortable with conditions and your gear otherwise, don’t launch and
    “live to fly another day.” Always maintain an energy reserve while out
    kiteboarding. Hydrate regularly and wear adequate exposure clothing
    (wetsuit/dry suit), to deal with unexpected time in the water. Cold water
    kiteboarding requires additional critically important precautions as
    compared to warmer conditions and are beyond the scope of these guidelines.
    Don’t kiteboard alone or further from shore than you are readily able to
    swim in from.

    safety gear. Make sure you have proper safety equipment, such as a tested,
    well maintained kite depowering leash securely attached to your body, a good
    well fitting helmet, impact vest, gloves, whistle and hook knife. Most
    kiteboarding fatalities involve head injury. A good helmet for kiteboarding,
    MAY aid in reducing injury and improve the chance of survival in many but
    not necessarily all impacts. A helmet is NO excuse to kiteboard carelessly.
    Regularly test and maintain a reliable chicken loop or kite depowering
    release. Relying upon manual unhooking alone to release your bar is
    UNRELIABLE based upon the accident experience. The rider needs to understand
    and accept that in an emergency, this quick release MAY NOT be accessible or
    function correctly in the critical seconds of the emergency. It is up to the
    rider to avoid the emergency in the first place and to aid proper function
    of the release through practice and maintenance.

    on the beach and in the water at ALL TIMES. Be courteous and polite to
    bystanders. Complaints have frequently led to bans and restrictions on
    kiteboarding in some areas and continue to do so on a regular basis. NEVER
    launch, ride or land upwind of nearby bystanders. Work to keep a minimum
    300 ft. (100 m) buffer zone from bystanders.

    6. BE AWARE OF THE WEATHER. Is the forecast and current weather
    acceptable, free of pending storm clouds and excessive gusty winds? Color
    radar can sometimes give a clue as to violent storm/gust potential. Are
    seas and wind condition within your experience, ability and appropriate for
    your gear? New kiters should practice in lighter, side or side onshore
    winds. Onshore winds have a much higher injury rate even among experienced
    riders and should be avoided. Offshore winds should be avoided in the
    absence of a chase boat. If storm clouds are moving in, land and thoroughly
    disable your kite well in advance of any change in wind or temperature, if
    necessary depower your kite while still away from shore. Lightning can
    strike many miles ahead of storm clouds. Learn about unstable weather in
    your area and work to avoid squalls and storms through TV, radio and
    Internet information. Consider organizing an alert air horn and flag signal
    for your launch as a warning to riders of pending unstable weather.


    1. USE GOOD LAUNCH AREAS. Make sure your launch is open, FREE OF DOWNWIND
    BYSTANDERS, hard objects, nearby power lines, buildings and walls, etc.
    within at least 300 ft. (100 m), and preferably more particularly in higher
    wind. Too many riders have slammed into walls, parked cars, trees with
    better launches not so far away at all. Some riders have needed in excess
    of 600 ft. (200 m), to regain control in violent dragging or loftings in
    higher winds. Avoid kiteboarding near airports and in low flight path areas,
    complaints have led to restricted access in some areas. Never fly your kite
    in the path of low aircraft in flight, moving your kite low to the water at
    the first indication of inbound aircraft.

    2. WHAT SIZE KITE ARE OTHER RIDERS USING? Check to see what size kite other
    kiteboarders are rigging and get their input on conditions. Try to select a
    kite size for the lower to middle part of the wind range. Do not rig too
    large a kite for conditions and carefully consider advice of more
    experienced riders. Failure to act on prudent advice has cost some riders
    severe injury and even death. If you don’t have a small enough kite to
    safely launch, DON’T!

    3. CHECK & REPAIR YOUR GEAR BEFORE YOU FLY. Check your kite for tears or
    leaky bladders. If you have leaky bladders or tears in your kite, repair
    them before flying. Check ALL kite, harness, and control bar lines, webbing,
    pigtails, bridles, the chicken loop and leaders for knots, cuts, wear or
    abrasion. If the line sheathing shows any breaks or knots, replace them. The
    pigtails should be replaced no less frequently than every 6 months on
    inflatable kites. Inspect and test your quick release. Frequently, mentally
    and physically rehearse pulling your quick release in an imagined emergency
    situation. Make sure your flying lines are equal as they will stretch
    unevenly with use. If they have knots that can’t be easily untied, replace
    your flight lines. Do not casually make changes to manufactured equipment.
    What ever you do must work reliably in what conditions may come.

    4. AVOID SOLO LAUNCHING. Solo launching and landing are NOT recommended and
    should be avoided particularly in stronger winds. Launch with a trained
    assistant, using reliable audible and visual signals. If solo launching
    make sure your kite is properly anchored with a substantial quantity of sand
    to avoid premature launch. Never use untrained bystanders to help you launch
    or land. Riders have been severely injured by making this easy mistake. Rig
    your kite for solo launch at the last minute and launch without delay AFTER
    CAREFUL PREFLIGHTING as serious accidents have happened in only minutes
    during this stage. If you leave the kite unattended, wrap up your lines,
    deflate the kite’s leading edge and roll it up. It is best to place the kite
    in a bag to avoid UV and wind damage.

    5. CROSSED KITE LINES CAN WRECK YOUR DAY. Launching with crossed or snagged
    lines has maimed quite a few kiteboarders as the kite tends to fly up at
    very high speed, dragging or lofting the rider into a nearby hard objects
    faster than they can react. Walk down your lines and examine them
    carefully. Pick your bar up and carefully look down the lines for twists,
    tangles or snags that could cause the kite to be dangerously uncontrollable.
    While you are holding your bar up look down the lines, shake your bar to
    make sure the center lines are connected to the leading edge of the kite. Be
    particularly careful, slow and methodical in high winds. Multiple, careful
    preflighting in higher winds is strongly advised. Rigging ”Kook Proof”
    connectors on our kite and lines is easily done with most kites and should
    be rigged on all your kites and bars.


    connecting with your quick release, while onshore or near hard objects.
    Practice LAUNCHING AND LANDING ”UNHOOKED” or not connected to your chicken
    loop. Pull in your trim strap or rope entirely or to a point that will allow
    stable kite flight with existing wind conditions, to properly depower the
    kite before launching and so that you can readily hold the bar and release
    it if necessary. Always maintain minimum clear downwind buffer zones,
    particularly while flying unhooked. Physically and mentally rehearse
    managing emergency situations including just ”letting go” of your bar.
    Connect to your quick release once you are well offshore.

    2. KEEP IT LOW & GO! … to try to avoid lofting or involuntary lifting. DO
    NOT bring your kite much above 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 m) from the ground and
    NEVER to the vertical, within 300 ft. (100 m) of shore or any hard object.
    Never launch, fly or land upwind and close to the shore or hard objects or
    stand on the beach for extended with your kite in the air. This careless
    practice has killed and maimed riders. This practice MAY reduce the chance
    of lofting but may also promote dragging and serious injury in gusty/strong
    wind conditions. So, if you are dragged be ready to depower instantly and
    ideally before the dragging starts in the first place. HAZARD AVOIDANCE IS
    THE KEY along with rapid preemptive, rehearsed actions. Do not fly your
    kite near vertical or sloped surfaces that can cause uplift and sudden
    dragging/lofting (walls, buildings, hills, tree lines, etc,). Avoid thermal
    generating areas as sudden thermal lofting can occur. Launch in the
    appropriate part of the wind window to avoid “hot” or over-powered downwind
    launches. Make sure that there are no bystanders within your downwind
    buffer zone or close by in general.

    3. GET OFFSHORE AND STAY THERE. Go offshore at least 300 ft. (100 M)
    WITHOUT DELAY after launch. Stay beyond 300 ft. until time to come in. If
    there are substantial waves where you need to put on your board consider
    body dragging outside the breaker zone first. The fun is offshore, danger
    to the rider & bystanders is near shore where most of the hard stuff is

    4. YIELD THE RIGHT OF WAY. Yield the right of way to all others in the
    water. Riders must yield to others when jumping, to anyone on your right
    hand side and to launching riders. When in doubt, STOP. Kiteboarders
    should not jump within a buffer zone of at least two hundred feet (60 m) of
    others and objects that are downwind. Always be aware of the position of
    your lines relative to others, line cuts can be severe and tangled lines
    with another kite, deadly.

    5. BOARD LEASHES ARE DANGEROUS. All kiteboarders are encouraged to master
    body dragging for board recovery. Use of a board leash is dangerous and is
    generally discouraged due to the hazards of board rebound or wave driven
    impact. Injuries have happened with both fixed length and reel leashes.
    Wearing a helmet and impact vest is always advised but may not provide
    adequate projection against board impact as the boards can and have
    violently hit any part of the rider and have penetrated helmets. If there
    is risk of your loose board hitting bathers, find another launch.

    6. DON’T GET LOFTED! Lofting or involuntarily lifting isone of the
    greatest hazards of kiteboarding. Avoiding unstable weather, keeping your
    kite low and getting offshore without delay are only a few of the measures
    necessary to avoid this threat. If despite all precautions you are dragged
    or lofted a short distance AND have time to react, depower your kite as soon
    as you start to pause. You will likely be dulled by shock so mentally
    rehearse depowering immediately under such circumstances. Depowering
    ideally should occur before you are lofted, still offshore and away from
    hard objects. Multiple gusts can hit over a short period and you may be
    lofted a second or third time, so ACT to depower your kite as soon as you
    can. DO NOT ASSUME that you will have a lull between loftings, sometimes you
    do and sometimes you don’t. If you are air born over land, it is uncertain
    how and if you will come out of things. Focus on controlling your kite with
    small control inputs to avoid stalling the kite. Some have advised keeping
    the kite overhead AFTER you are lofted and to try to gently steer towards
    the least hazardous are to impact. Other riders have said that reversing
    direction or transitioning after lofting has helped to reduce forward speed.
    It would be wise to accept and plan for the fact that YOU CAN BE LOFTED AT
    ANYTIME you have a kite in the air.


    Approach the shore slowly with caution. Keep your kite low (ideally within
    10 to 20 ft. of the surface), to try avoid lofting. Take care to avoid
    causing an accidental jump in well powered conditions while approaching the
    shore. Arrange for assisted landings at least 300 ft. (100 m) from
    bystanders, power lines, vertical surfaces, etc.. NEVER not use
    non-kiteboarders for assisted launches or landings, as use of bystanders has
    resulted in severe rider injuries. Use mutually understood hand and voice
    signals to improve launch and landing safety. Riders have been killed
    standing around looking for an assisted landing when gusts have hit. IF IN
    ANY DOUBT, DEPOWER YOUR KITE even if you are still offshore. ALL riders
    should be comfortable with depowering their kite immediately even in deep
    water and swimming in to avoid being lofted or dragged in sudden gusting

    2. STOW YOUR GEAR. Properly anchor (or ideally deflate your leading edge
    and roll up your kite), disconnect and wind up your kite lines. Do not allow
    your kite to be accidentally launched. Kites should be placed in a safe
    area well out of bystander and vehicular traffic.

  • patrikol

    21 februari, 2004 vid 21:34

    Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:12 am Post subject: WAVES & DOWNED KITES

    I just heard about an accident today involving a very experienced kiteboarder. The rider was doing a downwinder with a 20 m LEI kite in lighter winds, roughly 12 mph gusting to 17 mph side to side onshore. There were some 4 to 6 ft. ground swells forming about 300 ft. offshore.

    The rider repeatedly tried to relaunch his kite from the water with no success. He then decided to ”self-rescue” by winding his lines up on his bar, swimming up to his kite.

    A breaking wave caught his kite and moved it towards shore at speed with considerable force. He became tangled in the kite lines with lines snaring his hand and wrapping around his neck. He rapidly tried to free his neck from the lines and eventually succeeded. He was not able to free his hand however. The rider was blown/drifted the approximate 300 ft. to shore with the lines wrapped around and sliced into his hand. The rider reportedly wasn’t carrying a hook knife nor was he wearing gloves.

    Bystanders responded rapidly once the rider came to the beach and rushed him to the hospital. The kiteboarder has suffered a laceration to the bone around one thumb, tissue loss from other parts of his hand along with vascular and potential nerve damage. Treatment is still ongoing.
    FKA, Inc.
    transcribed by: Rick Iossi

  • kitelife

    21 februari, 2004 vid 23:41

    Vad ska man säga? det här e nog det värsta jag har hört någonsin…

    Seven dead at kite-flying festival
    From correspondents in Lahore
    February 16, 2004

    SEVEN people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.

    An 18-month-old girl’s throat was cut by a stray kite string while she was travelling with her parents on a motorbike, witnesses said, adding that she died on the spot.

    Three people were electrocuted when metal wires they were using to fly or catch stray kites fell on live electric lines, and two people fell from roofs, hospital officials said.

    A 12-year-old boy died while trying to catch a stray kite when he was hit by a car on a main road, police said.

    More than 100 people had been reported injured since last night in various kite-related accidents, medical workers said.


    Get News by Email Print This Article Email This Article

    Seven dead at kite-flying festival
    From correspondents in Lahore
    February 16, 2004

    SEVEN people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.

    An 18-month-old girl’s throat was cut by a stray kite string while she was travelling with her parents on a motorbike, witnesses said, adding that she died on the spot.

    Three people were electrocuted when metal wires they were using to fly or catch stray kites fell on live electric lines, and two people fell from roofs, hospital officials said.

    A 12-year-old boy died while trying to catch a stray kite when he was hit by a car on a main road, police said.

    More than 100 people had been reported injured since last night in various kite-related accidents, medical workers said.

    Officials at Lahore’s Mayo Hospital said 42 children and 60 adults had been treated for injuries.

    ”One child was injured by a stray bullet,” deputy medical superintendent Dr Saqib Shafi told AFP.

    Though firing guns is banned, people celebrate the spring festival by firing into the air, often causing casualties.

    Relatives of people killed or injured in kite flying accidents held a demonstration in Lahore last year urging the government to maintain its ban on selling and flying kites.

    More than 20 people have been killed in kite flying accidents in Lahore since last year’s spring festival.

    Casualties and frequent power outages caused by metal wires falling over power lines forced the government to ban the sale of kites and metal wire, but those restrictions were lifted this month to celebrate the festival, officials said.

    Agence France-Presse


  • patrikol

    21 februari, 2004 vid 23:47

    Snacka om idioter! Tur att det inte har med kitesurfing att göra!

  • zebulon

    22 februari, 2004 vid 08:49

    Låter smått otroligt, fast det är klart; har ju varit en hel del i Indien & Pakistan i jobbet och det är inte för intet som en utmärglad gammal ko har 20x mer ”levnadsvärde” än en människa. Skrämmande…

    En annan skrämmande tanke är att vid en snabb överslagsräkning kom vi fram till att på den tid det tog för ett flygplan att korsa indien ökade netto-befolkningen med ca 10.000 shocked.gif


  • patrikol

    22 februari, 2004 vid 09:04

    Herre Jävelar! Då får vi väl snart bära turban! smile.gif

  • patrikol

    4 mars, 2004 vid 01:33

    Ny dödlig olycka! Läs och lär!

  • kalabra

    22 mars, 2004 vid 10:24

    Ny dödsolycka, denna gång i Tyskland….

  • bohn2fly

    22 mars, 2004 vid 13:28

    Vet ej om detta har postats tidigare. Men det finns två bilder som talar för allt. En tjej som gör mycket fel. Se och lär:

    mvh Peter

  • anonym-anvandare

    30 mars, 2004 vid 20:00

    kanske lika bra lägga ner kitegrejen?

  • dmp

    21 april, 2004 vid 12:37

    vet inte om det e en ny nyhet eller gammal..

  • rambo_johnson

    4 augusti, 2004 vid 12:41

    (Inget sånt skit Rambo!) /Patrikol

  • mrmille

    4 augusti, 2004 vid 18:13

    Svar till:

    Rambos inlägg…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Då har du la sabbat den här tråden med…

  • rambo_johnson

    4 augusti, 2004 vid 18:19

    du behöver inte titta om du inte vill

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