Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Kiters i Umeå?

  • Kiters i Umeå?

    Publicerad av jouwheld på 7 juni, 2013 vid 15:44

    Hej I started kitesurfing in the Netherlands last summer and I want to continue here. The thing is, I noticed that the spots are not so crowded as in the netherlands, as in there is nobody there. Because I am a beginner I like somebody to help me launching and landing. I also like the idea of people looking after each other. So are there other kitesurfers from around Umeå who would want to meet up for kitesurf sessions? I have a car so we could carpool for instance. Maybe there are already some facebook/whatsapp/etc groups that I don’t know of?
    I understand quit some swedish, but my writing is not so fluent, that’s why I write in english. Feel free to respond in Swedish.

    jouwheld svarade 11 år, 8 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 7 Svar
  • 7 Svar
  • perl

    8 juni, 2013 vid 06:24

    Hej. Vi är ett rätt stort gäng som kör i och kring Luleå, så har du vägarna uppåt eller vill göra en liten road trip för en surf helg så hör av dig. 070 376 8150. Du kan oxo kolla in facebook gruppen ”kite i luleå”.

    Iris (min sambo) är från Holland och är oxo kitetokig och alltid Hagelslag på mackorna.


  • jouwheld

    8 juni, 2013 vid 07:48

    Nice, Luleå is a little far away for a last minute kitesession, but I definitely consider coming up for a weekend when the predictions are ok. Maybe I will still have some stroopwafels left. Good to hear that there are kitesurfers up north.

  • pepa

    8 juni, 2013 vid 11:27

    Hey man! I moved from Umeå a couple of years ago but there are a bunch of kiters still in town. Check out the group ’Umeå kite’ on facebook, people often post there when theyre on the move. Btw you are in luck, one of the best spots in Sweden is located 30 mins from Umeå!

  • jouwheld

    8 juni, 2013 vid 13:09

    Thnx for the facebook tip, hadn’t found that group. This best spot is Lillskarsudden i presume? Cannot wait to try that spot out. I checked it out already but wind was from wrong direction…

  • pepa

    9 juni, 2013 vid 14:00

    No thats not the spot I had in mind, although that one is also good. Örsten is the place to be!

  • kite_johanna

    1 juli, 2013 vid 18:25

    I’m kiting in Umeå! Looks good for tomorrow, gonna check that facebook group out!

  • jouwheld

    4 juli, 2013 vid 09:59

    He where do you kite? Yesterday at lillskärsudden was prefect!

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