• pjoter

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 11:52

    There is no physical kiteshop in malmoe at the moment. But we are a couple of guys selling stuff from our home and the beach. what are you looking for?

    edit, well actually there is robbans in limhamn but search for his shop here and find out what people think of him……

  • cheyert

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 12:38

    I need a new waist harness because I’ve lost mine during the weekend…I must have forgotten it at the beach…

    And preferably asap before new winds shows up, which is perhaps tomorrow already..

    Could we perhaps meet up in Malmo somewhere tonight?

  • cheyert

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 12:38

    Oh and a safety leash as well…

  • alesand

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 13:27

    ontopsports.com will help you out, and give you 2 hours entertainment @ his casa/warehouse.

    I wished I could help you out and send you a brand new super sweet Flying Objects harness, but I’m situated in Falkenberg – on top of that having vacation on the east coast, so Malmö is a lil’ too far away for a short visit …

    So, check with ontopsports!
    Surfer love

  • jay

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 13:30


    We got Underwave’s Waish and Seat-harnesses in stock in almost all sizes+colors that we can send to you with express delivery the first thing tomorrow morning!

    Both harnesses are really great and features superb back support thanks to their design that actually takes the human anatomy into account. The waist one retails at 1390SEK and Seat harness at 990 SEK.

    If you wish to read more about them before buying, you’ll find pretty much everything here: http://www.underwave.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=85&Itemid=72
    The Underwave products comes with a 1 year warranty, of course.

    Regarding the leashes – we’re also stocked up on those, which retails at 250SEK each.

    Feel free to call if you have any questions! – 08-50164445

  • cheyert

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 13:34

    where are they located? I’ve been trying to call them, but never an answer…

    Can you just show up there?

  • skotten

    2 augusti, 2010 vid 14:17

    hi dude, I will try and get a hold of Kent for you so that you can go over tonight, PM me your number. Do you have a car? I will be over his way tonight and I can drive you over no probs.

    Nice to see Alesand spreading the surferlove!, aloha dude!.

    Follow us on FB and Twitter!!



  • pjoter

    3 augusti, 2010 vid 22:42

    hope you found what you were looking for!

    If not i´m back in Malmoe again and can get you a harness tomorrow.


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