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  • Kitesurfing Racing in Skane?

    Publicerad av isidro på 8 oktober, 2011 vid 21:08


    I’ve recently moved in and I’d like to get involved into kite racing. I was wondering if there is any association, club or just group of people specialized in this modality around here to get some orientation.

    Thanks in advance!


    isidro svarade 13 år, 4 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • acemattias

    8 oktober, 2011 vid 22:00

    Doesn’t seem to be much interest for racing in Sweden, maybe you can start something.

  • tomw

    10 oktober, 2011 vid 18:41


    nothing happening in this area. Not many want to invest in a raceboard…
    I think it would be more fun with ”boarder cross” style events..

  • isidro

    10 oktober, 2011 vid 19:24

    Thanks for letting me know guys. I think around here there are perfect conditions for racing and I really would like to give a try. Yes the raceboard investment is the worst part, why I was looking for some clubs or people who could recommend options.

    If anyone has the same interest or has already gotten into it, please let me know. Would be great to set up something like a twin tip race event? or just join forces and share a board!


  • pjoter

    11 oktober, 2011 vid 09:48

    As said before, around here it´s more freestyle, waves or just cruising.

    But I think there is alot of people, including myself that would be interested in racing if somebody would start it up around here.
    So if you feel you have the time and energy to start something up i believe that people would show interest.

    I do know that a dude called Peter Kitesurfer in here are into racing and probably has a bunch of tips on a board for swedish waters.
    There is also the FB group kiteboard racing or something like that where you could get som more info (He is also in that group).

    And Welcome to skane and our beaches!

  • isidro

    11 oktober, 2011 vid 20:38

    Hi Pjoter,

    thanks for showing interest. I’ve definetly have the energy, I’ll figure out how to get some time for this! I’ve spoken with Erik from who thinks is also a good idea and we agree to meet around November. As a starting point I’d like to collect email adresses of those who are interested in Racing and start a discussion to define goals and benefits a club could bring us.

    Could anyone who is interested send me an email to


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