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Tagged: freestyle, våg, våg freestyle
klagshamns Vidsurfingklubb
Posted by jerome on 15 mars, 2007 at 12:05Tjena!
Jag undrar om klagshamns Vindsurfingklubb har en egen hemsida!
petter_f replied 17 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Har för mig att det skall vara …
…men den verkar inte fungera just nu.
Det är den adressen, men datorn/servern har inte varit igång under vinterhalvåret. Vi ska sätta igång datorn i april troligtvis. Sedan hoppas vi att hemsidan kan vara igång året runt framöver.
Sänsongen i Klagshamn startade förresten ovanligt tidigt med fina ostliga vindar i helgen.
MVH Tobias
Jasså! Finns det möjlighet för en nyinflyttad att få ha grejor på klubben?
Surfar oftast hemma på öland (haga park) Har hört att klagshamn ska vara mycket likt.
Hi Jerome,
To be a member and have your stuff at the club shouldn’t be too much of a problem. We moved into Malmö last year and needed to keep our gear somewhere and there was a small waiting list (over winter before the season) but once the club opened up in spring we could move our gear in virtually straight away. Just depends on how many people leave the club, which seems to always happen. You know, people leave town, stop sailing and such. Not because the club is crap or anything. 😉 I suggest you start a thread in the ‘Konfen Vindsurfing’ asking for a contact number for new members to the club. Hopefully, BadJanne or someone with the info will read it and pass on the message. That way you don’t have to wait until the website starts up.
Good luck.
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