Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Klitmoller/Hanstholm is being closed by windmills!

  • Klitmoller/Hanstholm is being closed by windmills!

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 14 juli, 2005 vid 10:44

    For your information Hanstholm reef is being closed by windmills if we don’t do something!
    In Danish:

    PDF with pictures:

    We need your help!

    They dont just put up windmills, they will make “coast securing” by filling up with sand and concrete 150 meters out from the coast and 2 km along the coast this includes Mittels there is pictures in the pdf that show this.

    This will cover the reef and there wont be any waves to ride

    As you probably know windmills are getting bigger and bigger these are extrodinary big!!! They dont produce electicity but brint – and are extremely big.

    By sending a letter to the adress you can tell that this is not only a danish windsurf location but a european attraction to all wave surfers.

    There are many other places to build windmills but no other places where the coast generates waves likes this!

    If the region office understand how unique this area is maybe the windmills wont come.

    A letter from a foreing windsurfclub would be of huge meaning for the result of this regionplan, so please send a letter where you explain how uniqe Hanstholm windsurfspot is, it wont take much time and can’t do any harm. At least nobody can blame you for not trying to save the best windsurf spot in north europe.

    So please help by sending a letter or an e-mail where you explain how unique Hanstholm is.

    Viborg Amt
    Miljø og Teknik
    Skottenborg 26
    8800 Viborg


    The reason why we don’t make a signature collection is caused by the way the region handles this case. Every letter or mail counts more.

    speedjanne svarade 19 år, 6 månader sedan 16 Medlemmar · 20 Svar
  • 20 Svar
  • dr-masse

    14 juli, 2005 vid 10:48

    I have sent my email!

    This is unbelievable news, there MUST be other locations available?!?

  • mag

    14 juli, 2005 vid 11:24

    I have also sent a letter!
    keep up the good work!

  • lars_k

    14 juli, 2005 vid 11:25

    Me too!

  • mjunken

    14 juli, 2005 vid 11:35

    Me too…..

  • basse

    14 juli, 2005 vid 11:37

    Klart det finns andra platser men det är ju väldigt nära till indstrin förståss. Mellan piren och hamnen ser det ju ut att få plats 3 st och sedan en till innan för dessa.

  • arnoud

    14 juli, 2005 vid 12:09

    Mine is out too!. Lets all pray that sanity in this world prevails.

  • sundberg

    14 juli, 2005 vid 12:12

    Sent and wish you luck.

  • mag

    14 juli, 2005 vid 12:24

    They would get better efficiency and stronger more stable winds from best direction if they build the mills south of the harbour!

  • judo-freddan

    14 juli, 2005 vid 13:09


  • imported_macts

    14 juli, 2005 vid 16:31


    Good luck!

  • anonym-anvandare

    14 juli, 2005 vid 17:29

    Det här kommer att hända på många av våra svenska surfställen också. Utanför Halmstad planeras just nu av utländska kraftbolag en vindkraftspark med 2.000 st vindmöllor. Det kommer till slut att täcka hela kusten.

  • kate

    14 juli, 2005 vid 18:58

    Gøteborgs vindsurfingklubb har sendt et mail!

  • anonym-anvandare

    14 juli, 2005 vid 19:04

    Vad är “Brint”??

  • star

    14 juli, 2005 vid 21:28

    Letter sent!

  • kamaaina

    14 juli, 2005 vid 23:54

    Me too

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