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  • Laird räddar surfpolare

    Publicerad av adde på 13 december, 2007 vid 07:52

    WAILUKU (AP) – Ever in search of the 100-foot wave, extreme surfing star Laird Hamilton came to the aid of a fellow tow-in surfer off Maui’s north shore. Brett Lickle called his dramatic rescue “the most intense thing I’ve been through.’’

    Lickle said Hamilton stripped naked so he could tie his surf trunks into a tourniquet after Lickle suffered a huge gash on his leg in a wipeout on what he said was an 80-foot ocean wave.

    Lickle, 47, was recovering Wednesday at home in Haiku.

    In the incident Monday at a little-known tow-in surf spot called Outer Spreks, Lickle says he was cut by the fin of a board on the Honda AquaTrax watercraft he and Hamilton used to get to the spot where the waves were breaking. He says he was trying to stay ahead of the monster wave, but it crashed down on him.

    Hamilton is among extreme surfers who have pioneered in the riding of superwaves that ordinary surfers don’t tackle. He and fellow big-waver Dave Kalama premiered a short film, “All Aboard the Crazy Train,’’ on tow-in surfing in 2005, warning that it wasn’t a sport for the inexperienced. Hamilton also was among surfers performing in feature-length films highlighting the sport, “Step Into Liquid’’ and “Riding Giants.’’

    The outer reef off Spreckelsville is a big challenge for big-wave surfers.

    “If ever you’re going to find a 100-footer, it’s there,’’ said Lickle.

    He and Hamilton had surfed the area in the morning and then returned in the afternoon when the accident occurred. He said only one other tow-in team was on the waves at the time.

    Lickle said he was trying to outrun the looming water wall in the watercraft when it caught him. Hamilton was in tow.

    “I’m in big trouble,’’ he said he told himself.

    After the wave crashed down on them, he reunited with Hamilton about three quarters of a mile offshore.

    One fear, Lickle said, was the blood from his wound would attract tiger sharks that hover around the Maui shoreline.

    He said that after tying the tourniquet, Hamilton swam “like a bat out of hell’’ for about a half mile to recover the watercraft.

    Surfers said ocean conditions on Monday created waves of historic size.

    “There were the biggest waves that any of us have seen,’’ said Buzzy Kerbox, another Maui big-wave surfer who saw the Outer Spreks waves but chose to take on another surf spot.

    mag svarade 17 år, 3 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • thundal

    13 december, 2007 vid 09:35

    Skriver dom om denna Måndagen tro?

    Ingen som har snappat upp några bilder?


  • koa

    13 december, 2007 vid 10:45
  • mag

    13 december, 2007 vid 17:26

    Shit pomfritt!
    3 options; being eaten, being drowned or…

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