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Lämpliga wakes?
Publicerad av pepa på 29 juli, 2001 vid 09:35Någon som vet vilka wakeboards som lämpar sig bäst för kite?
Kan också berätta att de säljer Airush wakestyle-brädor för $349 på just nu!Dundra på!
/Pepsfghi346 svarade 16 år, 3 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 7 Svar -
7 Svar
yo man, jag gillar ju då Pickle Forken bäst, men köp en lite mindre typ 151 jag kör 161, kunde gott haft den mindre, du håller iofs rätt bra med drake med 161 också hehe, håller min 11.8 Airblast (16 kvm) i 11 m/s med den jekla brädan. skall testa en Apocalypse 137 nästa vecka skall se hur den är, känns som det kan bli en del feta airs… 😉
Bones Heal…
Jag tänkte mer på wakeboards, inte wakestyle kiteboards. Jag har kört pickleforken (141:an) en hel del i Spanien och vet hur skön den är, ser däremot framemot en rapport från apocalypsen!
Dundra på!
/Peps -
vet att liquid force trip skall funka väldigt bra. den har tre fenor fram och bak vilket ger den ett väldigt bra grepp och gör det enkelt att ta höjd, men det är ändå inga problem att slaida med den. jag har en liquid force trip 43 med liquid force ultra suction bindningar. allt är mer eller mindre nytt, jag har använt den 9-10 gånger.
hör av dig om du är intresserad.
marcus -
en fråga bara.. varför inte skaffa en kiteboard om du ska åka kiteboard med den ? 🙂
Gäst8 december, 2008 vid 18:21I have been playing WoW for about 2 years off and on, RL takes me away sometimes and I say that I have quit but for some reason I always come back. I have noticed during my time playing WoW that some people honestly have no clue as to what makes a good player. So as well as giving my view I am also asking, what makes a good WoW player? The first and most important thing I believe is, KNOW YOUR CLASS. You must know all of your abilities, your classes strengths, its weaknesses, how far your can push things and where you just need to back down. All too often you see players thinking they can take on anything and everything. This maybe true when your lvling but in what I consider the real WoW, instances, raids, and lvl 80 PvP whether it be on the Battle Grounds or in the Arena this is not the case and I will elaborate more on teamwork in a min. The bottom line every class is unique and tooled to fit into different roles, know those roles and how best to exploit your strengths while protecting your weaknesses. The next piece to being a good WoW player is TEAMWORK. Yes there it is, teamwork. You have to work well with others to be successful. Like I said before it’s not a one man show, yes there are people who play this game that know more then you do. It is in your best interest to learn how to tell the difference between the people who actually know how to play this game well and those who are full of it. Listen and learn from those who know more and then one day if you’re good enough someone will look to you to lead them through raids and be successful. The next part of being a good and well rounded WoW player is, DO YOUR REASEARCH, no one is born knowing everything. Everyone who plays WoW starts at the same place lvl 1 with there first toon, the difference between the leaders and the followers in WoW is knowledge, the more you know the more capable you are the better off you are the trick is though you need to be able to apply what you know and be efficient at it. The last part and most important is COURTASY. Everyone pays 15 dollars a month to play, everyone starts off as a newb, everyone is going to have questions, the trick is, be nice. There is always going to be someone out there flaming, don’t be that someone just stay quite let it go or if the question is legitimate answer it to the best of your abilities and let it go, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink so they say so offer your advice, your help, your guidance and if people take it great if not, oh well you tried. Treat people with respect and they will look up to you, this is what makes a great leader, this is what holds guilds together, this is what makes a successful raid. Remember everyone in this game all have a common goal, to advance. ____________________________________________________________wow goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldworld of warcraft goldwow power leveling
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