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  • hakuna

    24 juni, 2002 vid 13:02

    Cannot find server
    The page cannot be displayed

    Verkar som siten är nere nu. :-/ Kan du kopiera in texten hit?

    Ik ben een surf-kebauter!

  • joeithafish

    24 juni, 2002 vid 13:10

    Female look on windsurfing
    from Isa-Maria, Germany, photos by

    Girls and women I have to warn you. Think it over if you really want to have a surfing boyfriend. Because surfing means more for him than a hobby like football. For him it’s a way of life. You really have to love that guy because in the following weeks / month or years you have to get to used to several things.

    In the future you will need a maid. Even if you have cleaned up the flat you’ ll find kilos of sand because he has to clean his wetsuit in your bathroom. Your maid won’t have enough time for the flat, she also has to tidy up your garage. Since you are in love with that surfer tons of sails, boards, mast booms and other stuff lays around.

    Things you do in the sparetime will change. You won’t go to theatre anymore. Your sweetheart thinks on a saturdaynight one can borrow a nice DVD instead. Films like Point break with Keanu Reeves or Patrick Swayze are prefered. Of course those films don’t have a brilliant story but pictures of giant waves.

    When you go to a travel agency he won’t book a trip to interesting places like Rome, London or Paris. Why not? There’s no water. Perhaps you might get him to Venice but maybe he’ll blame you by surfing in the Canale Grande. In Wintertime he will be gone. While you sit in the office he stays on Hawai or in South Africa. From time to time you get a postcard, saying that he has no time to miss you because he is training a lot.

    Spending a nice day at the beech? No way. If there is wind he will be on the water and if it’s not windy enough he wishes to bee on the water.

    Often your surfing boyfriend will say: Baby, don’t wait for me. Are you busy at the office? No, it’s windy. Oh, yes for sure.

    And last but not least you won’t own a pretty fast sports car. You’ll have a transporter or station wagon to put his stuff in it. That vehicle will be sandy as well.

    But girls and women on the other hand I can promise: He will always have beautiful brown skin, muscles – especially strong arms to hold you if he is not surfing… And you don’t have to worry that he once might wear a tie and suit. He probably will still look handsome when he is 50 years old. And I can promise you another thing. If you listen to him talking for hours with his friends about his new Deboichet-Fin or carbon-boom it makes him proud if you listen to him carefully. And besides you will get used to his question Did you see me on the water. My new move was great, wasn’t I?

    And If you should ever quit the relationship you will ask the new man in your life Do you play football or are you a surfer?

  • aerial-arnie

    25 juni, 2002 vid 07:42

    nee: ”IK BEN EEN SURF-KABOUTER”, eller bätre sagt: ”JIJ BENT EEN SURF-KABOUTER”. För er svenskar: han säger och tror att han är en surf-trädgårds-tomtegubbe på holländska….

  • calle_b

    25 juni, 2002 vid 16:10

    Helt underbart rätt! De e juh så! Allt kommer i minst andra hand, helst tredje hand för man vill juh gärna kolla vinden på datorn oxå o ta en sväng förbi konfen wink.gif
    Kan dom inte förstå det? wink.gif

    Ha d gott

  • feg

    25 juni, 2002 vid 18:42

    Det äär ju totalt livsfarligt för mitt kärleksliv om denna typ av information sprids på detta sätt! Hur ska jag kunna övertala potentiella flickvänner om att det inte stämmer.

    -”Nej jag lovar, jag ääär värsta hemma-toffeln,
    jag drömmer om att fixa frukost på sängen på
    lördagarna trots att Polhman startat vindmaskinen,
    för att sedan spendera hela dagen bland avgaser
    och stressade tokshoppare i stan, på ikea eller
    Bauhaus… Jag looovar, hedersord”

    Jag kommer nog att förbli singel nu när någon skallrat… smile.gif

  • surfare_flicka

    25 juni, 2002 vid 20:11

    jasså är det de tjejer förväntas göra… sorry, men jag måste göra er besvikna… blåser det, så vet jag åtminstone en tjej som gör precis som alla andra på denna konf… riggar och rippar järnet såklart! Inte nåt shoppande då inte.

  • feg

    26 juni, 2002 vid 18:00

    Besviken på coola tjejer som du? Nej det har du missförstått.
    Det vore kul vindsurfande tjejer kunde växa på träd…

  • anonym-anvandare

    7 juli, 2002 vid 14:12

    Går det inte att kvotera in lite tjejer i vindsurfsporten på något sätt?

  • anonym-anvandare

    7 juli, 2002 vid 15:56

    ja, man undrar ju varför brudarna inte dras till oss surfare så snygga som vi är.

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