• andersbq

    9 oktober, 2015 vid 09:23

    Vad jag vet så åker inte macke i år. Och här Weymouth så har vi mycket kontakt med Luderitz.
    Det kom nån slags storm för 3-4 veckor sedan och slutänden på kanalen blev förstörd.
    Dom räknande med att den ska lagas till ungefär nu. Sedan fyllas med vatten igen. Det tar tid eftersom pumpen är en vanlig hobby-grej. Gissar att den kan fylla upp 5 mm per dygn. Vilket i praktiken innebär att den kanske blir halvfull om 3-4 veckor.
    Kajtarna kan köra men inte bra för vindsurfare. Har hört att många på plats vill ha pengarna tillbaka för de första 2 veckorna (2400 EUR per gubbe) …
    Så viss disharmoni är det just nu…
    Men så finns det ju hårdingar som Patrick på plats, så åka av blir det ju ändå.
    Hörde också att AA ska ner (för att hans sponsor Ford kräver det).

  • andersbq

    9 oktober, 2015 vid 16:06

    They are here

    start page
    Mudslinging on the canal

    Thu, 2015-10-08 02:00 – Allgemeine Zeitung
    Course not completed – Windsurfer reclaim money – Cattelan disengages
    Even three days after the official opening ceremony the windsurfers can still undergo no training runs at the Lüderitz Speed ​​Challenge. On wind it is not, the already since Monday blows constantly with 30 to 35 knots over the canal near the Diaz Cross. The problems are organizational and technical nature. Yesterday, the emotions ran high.
    Zur Großansicht
    Center of Anger: This image shows well why annoy the windsurfers. The distance between the water surface and the banks should not be more than 15 centimeters, at present there are an average of about 80


    By Florian Gontek and Robby Echelmeyer, Luderitzbucht
    In the ninth edition of the Speed ​​Challenge in Lüderitz is still neat sand in the gears. Actually, should long ago the sports are in the foreground. But the conditions on the canal not agree – from the perspective of windsurfers.
    Yesterday the organizers Sébastien Cattelan and Sophie Routaboul had charged for 12 clock at a routine meeting of all participants at the competition. An hour before the first start of the year, the French duo gave the drivers some information and advice along the way. Things got really exciting then after their statements.
    The Belgian Alain de Gendt took the floor and read the names of the eight registered for the first week of competition windsurfer a letter before he then presented visibly paled addressee Routaboul. Six criticisms are on the document which have beside de Gendt and local hero Matthias Röttcher, the German record hunter Manfred Merle and Christian Bornemann, the Italo-Swiss Patrik Diethelm and Remo, the Ukrainian Alexander Goncharov and the Swiss Heidi Ulrich signed.
    Denounced especially the current state of the channel, which was dug at 1.20 meters instead of a maximum of 80 centimeters, the water level is still far too low, and in which the difference in height between the shore edge and surface water is much too large. In addition, the fine from the channel sand was piled up near the starting area, where he strongly affected the windsurfers, because it blocks the wind so important feed for the lower part of the sail. The fact that only a material container is available, this bears no roof and is not guarded, provides for the windsurfers for resentment. Similarly, the dangerous protruding nails and lack of padding on the followers, with which participants are returned after each trip to the start area.
    Cattelan wants to know nothing of this. The 39-year-old, who had the Lüderitz Speed ​​Challenge 2007 lifted out of the baptism, is de Gendts presentation at a wooden barrel hears sitting at yet reasonably taken. But then he blows his top: ”What do you expect actually that her perfect conditions finds here for the money that you pay? That I pudere you the butt and hinstelle a container made of gold? ”That was the nicer part.
    Bornemann tries to diplomatic way to steer now heated debate in a constructive dialogue. Cattelan has however already set to draft. ”Does not mix you into the organization, of which you have no idea. Concentrate on your records, but you are here. You have to get the channel to adjust. ”Cattelan reaps evil looks from all directions.
    ”We are far traveled and pay a lot of money,” rumbles Remo Diethelm and his colleagues thus speaks from the soul. Around 200 euros is the entry fee per day. Due this is even on days on which can not be surfed. ”Acts of God as in the case of a wind lull this goes ok, but if it’s because that’s the channel is not prepared, then I can not understand that,” said Merle. Especially as the problems of the past are well known. ”If it would be the second edition, you might overlook some things. Now, it is already the ninth year, I miss the development ”, Merle pushes, which starts this year for the second time after 2013 in the event.
    Therefore, the windsurfers request in its letter to damages in the amount of 500 euros per day, on which the channel despite the good external conditions can not be used. The sum of results from several parameters. In addition to the entry fee and cost of accommodation, car hire and loss of earnings are taken into account in the amount.
    A spring tide had the channel mid-September severely damaged. For the windsurfers understand. For other things but this is missing. The athletes complain about that it could not be that the pump on the approximation of the water level can only work at high tide at this time because the hose is too short. On a longer model has been omitted, although the organizers – had been offered such a – reportedly. Furthermore, the athletes snub fact that excavator and bulldozer these days are often orphaned. They would bitterly needed.
    All this has also method for windsurfers. The Participants field, there are increasing voices that Cattelan – even kite – created perfect conditions for his discipline on the canal and the needs of windsurfers has forgotten, although this form with 30 of 36 starters most of the event.
    The kite, which sails in the air and therefore do not require the full blast supply just above the water surface at the start found yesterday for their sport on the one kilometer long canal good conditions. However Merle, Diethelm and Co. remained only the spectator role. At least excavators and water pumps ran yesterday ever. This nourishes among windsurfers hope for an early start. Today and tomorrow there will be excellent winds. But has trained on the channel yet none of them.

  • the_novice

    17 oktober, 2015 vid 08:36

    Trist utveckling av det hela…
    Verkar som att de seglar nu men det ser ju inte särskilt optimalt ut med så höga vallar.


  • andersbq

    17 oktober, 2015 vid 19:45

    vallarna är inte högre i år än 2013 eller 2014, problemet i år är vattennivån som är ca 30 lägre än 2013. Det innebär att det nästa är 1 meter upp till lovart kanten. Inget problem för kajtare, men tar mycket av kraften för vindsurfare.. Dock har dom grävt den 3 dm djupare än tidigare,

  • p-malmkvist

    20 oktober, 2015 vid 04:38

    F..n kanske ska åka ned nästa år å sponsra och gräva ordentligt.. Sedan varför de inte kör en hydraldriven vattenpump??kopplad till grävmaskin på ca 20 ton som borde vara på plats under hela tävlingen och justera kanter mm.. Men känns ju inte som så mkt surfkänsla över den arrangören..

  • nouse

    20 oktober, 2015 vid 18:46

    Äh, kom o skyffla sten på revet i vacum istället. 🙂

  • marden

    22 oktober, 2015 vid 20:25

    Har dom fått i lite mer vatten i diket sen aa kom dit? Tycker det ser så ut på bilderna.

  • andersbq

    23 oktober, 2015 vid 21:10

    Typ 90% av Namibias BMP kommer från gruvindustri, så vattenpumpar finnes nog…
    Vad det gäller nivån så är den nog några cm högre, men framför allt så har dom kört med väghyvel på lovart sidan, samma som de gjorde v 3-4 2013

  • the_novice

    24 oktober, 2015 vid 19:47

    Ser inget vidare ut på lä-sidan av kanalen, det ger ju vindskugga och ett lyft framför också…


  • martin-m-a

    30 oktober, 2015 vid 07:24

    Får se om rekordet åker i helgen…….
    Bra åkare där nu med bra vind…..

  • martin-m-a

    1 november, 2015 vid 02:52

    Tuff krach av AA i dag !

  • Knatte

    1 november, 2015 vid 17:49

    Ingen svensk på plats i år då ?

  • the_novice

    2 november, 2015 vid 12:34

    Det är väl en windsurfare och en kitare ifrån sverige…

    Nu verkar det bli fina hastigheter; https://twitter.com/luderitzspeed

    Här är en liten filmsnutt med AA crash; [video]https://instagram.com/p/9ibGm-Ggxb/?taken-by=antoinealbeau[/video]

  • davven

    2 november, 2015 vid 14:18

    Han är snabb idag, världsrekord!! 🙂

  • sundheden

    2 november, 2015 vid 18:39

    Helt sjukt!
    Antoine Albeau med nytt rekord med 53.27 knop.
    Tidvis var han upp i 55.5 knop dvs. 102.79km/h.

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