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mast problem
Publicerad av bobby__ på 17 september, 2010 vid 16:36Jag får inte isär min mast!!!
den har fått ligga inne och torka men lyckas fortfarande inte dela på den…
lite otympligt med 430cm mast när man ska packa bilen.Finns det några tips på hur jag ska göra för att få isär den?
ola-h svarade 14 år, 6 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 2 Svar -
2 Svar
Har du tillgång till det så koppla på en bom på varje del och vrid mha dem. Funkar det inte med en bom på varje sida kan två hjälpa.
Ett annat knep är att låta en person hålla i masttoppen medans du håller i botten och skakar den upp och ner. Det har alltid funkat för mig även om det kan ta en stund innan det släpper. -
Från något jag skrev på Boards forum… ursäkta engelskan.
Right. So this is the ideal tool for the job but you can get by with an razor blade, another knife and then some washers in different thickness.
I’m in the process of building some furnishing for my camper, so I’ve been doing a lot of sanding, sawing and other wood work in my garage. Unfortunately a few of my mast cases were not closed to I got some super fins wood dust on them. That must be a worst case scenario since it will swell when it gets wet. Well, that was what happened and after my latest session my 400 mast was TIGHT. We tried the boom trick and no matter how tight we made the booms they kept slipping and the mast didn’t move. At one point I had 6 booms on there.
But in the end I did it myself at home with only three small metal washers and a razor blade from a Stanley knife.
But the instruction will be on feeler gauges:
Almost all mast will, even when tight, have some spot where the two halve is not perfectly snug. If not bending the mast a little will create such a space. Now we place the thickest possible gauge (blade) in this space and bend the mast a bit with the gauge on the upper side (you can also bend the mast between two trees or by whatever safe method. Not much bending is required).
This will create an sliiightly bigger opening. Now turn the mast over and repeat with the next thicker gauge. You might also do it reversely, ie bend the mast first and then push the thickest possible gauge in the small opening on the side opposed to the bending force. When you let the mast flex back the gauge will get squeezed but the mast will also move a tiny bit.
So continue repeating until you have a few millimeters or so. Then you will probably be able to do the rest with a boom or the mast halves might already be so loose you can do it by hand.
This works particularly well with rdm mast, but it works on sdms too. It is not the same as just pushing something in the narrow opening between the halves. Here you are using the movement from the bending together with the leverage from the blade in the opening. Be sure to push the blades all the way in so they touch the ferrule. Then the bottom edge of the mast will not be damaged.
Sounds a bit complicated, but it is really very simply when you try and so little bending require you can do it yourself.
But it takes some 15 minutes. So try the boom trick first.
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