Maui Ultra Fins söker testare
Maui Ultra Fins söker testare
Maui Ultra Fins has developed a new fin: The X-WEED. Based on the bestseller X-Wave which has revolutionized the shape of Wave-Fins, the X-WEED aims at having the same characteristics – very fast, extremely radical and agile + perfect control in all waves from small to huge – with the additional benefit of working in weedy conditions. The initial feedback on the first prototypes was already very positive.We have always included pros and amateurs in our evaluation program but would like to take it now to a new level and include as many testers in Sweden as possible before we release the fin for the summer season. To get reliable feedback, we have put a comprehensive form online on http://www.mauiultrafins.eu.
To reward the testers, we plan on publishing their names with the release – and offer them a 200 sek discount on the final version of the X-Weed when ordering it with Activesport.se who will organize the test.
Maui Ultra Fins – Ultramize your board!
Om du är intresserad av att bli testare skicka ett mail via kontaktformuläret hos Active Sport.
Testperioden pågår mars t.o.m. maj. Den slutgiltiga designen kommer att bestämmas under april/maj.
Skriv vilken fena du är intresserad av att testa samt önskemål om testperiod.
Följande fenor finns för test:
X-Weed US-Box:
22 cm
24 cm
26 cmX-Weed Powerbox:
24 cm
26 cmFenorna hämtas och lämnas i Lomma eller Helsingborg.
Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Maui Ultra Fins och Active Sport
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