Några av de svar jag fått på starboard forum
4/16/2004 6:59:27 AM
Dear Ulf,
I am with u. Spent easter in Tarifa from april 3 to april 11… april 3 and 4 rented 90 litre fanatic and 4m2 sails….rest of the days used my own gear; combination 11m2-8m2 with SB F158. That translates as follows….
22% ….. SMALL GEAR
78% ……BIG GEAR.
Average TOW, per day 4hrs.
MY TOW 100% compared to 22% TOW for the rest of the population. There were a lot of frustrated windsurfers for easter week in Tarifa. I saw no wide-boarded big sail windsurfing. except for myself and two others.
Cheers. murray
4/16/2004 7:51:09 AM
Total is almost 189 hrs so far on 83 sessions. Average # of session is 8/month. Average duration is about 2.27 hrs. There is a huge variability in these numbers: wind, job, vacation & family permitting…
Here is the complete story with an additional 2 wave boards (Acid 62 L & HiTech 80 L) and a large freemove/freeride board (Carve 111 L):
– 5 hrs with a 4.2 wave sail in 25-33 knots
– 3.5 hrs with a 4.7 wave sail in 19-27 knots
– 15 hrs with a 5.4 wave sail (of which 4.5 hrs were on HS105) in 17-22 knots
– 7.5 hrs with a 6.9 freemove sail in 12-18 knots of wind
total = 26.5 hrs
– 36.75 hrs with a race 6.6 sail & HS105 in 15-20 knots of wind
As for narrow (50.6/56/62.8 cm width respectively) versus wide (76 cm) boards, compare 26.5 hrs with 3 boards (4.5/12.5/9.5 hrs respectively) versus 162.25 hrs with a single HS105 for full planing TOW (since I began recording all my session as of March 2003 at mytrims.com).
As for small sails (4.2-6.6) versus big sail (6.9, 8.2 & 10.6), compare 60.25 hrs versus 128.5 hrs.
Cheers !
4/16/2004 12:27:58 PM
However, we’re talking about windsurfing here, not tennis or golf or any of those other no-wind alternatives. If it’s windsurfing you want to do, one can presume you want to be on the water and planing. Not on the beach, or golfing, or mountain biking, etc.
So, if it’s windsurfing you want, in almost all locations of this planet, you have to cover your bases by including big gear. Pure and simple. Even in the mighty Columbia Gorge, if all you have is a 4.5 and 80 liter board, you’ll sit on the beach a lot. I use my 7.5 and big slalom board down there all the time, even at the high-wind sites.
I’m looking forward to my next trip to Baja, east cape sites. With the gear I used to take (4.5-8.5 sails, slalom to flapper boards) the TOW percentage was never any better than about 65%. With FW gear and up to 11.0 (or even 12.5) sails, that will easily get up to 90%. Those famous 2 or 3 days per week when it does not blow down there, almost always still offer enough wind to get a 11.0/FW/70 going.
Rick ( )
4/18/2004 4:44:36 PM
Have to say the big sail thing is working for me! My biggest sail used to be 5.0 anyone in the Netherlands will tell you that that is quite unrealistically small. But I thought the fun was in the big days, with loads of wind and waves. I still love those sort of days but my amount of time on the wather has definitely tripled an I’m loving it. O.K. the hardcore sesions is what I love but a nice session of sunset sailing with my 8.4 is what I’m liking more and more!
Really If you’re not sure, try some big gear from friends or shops and you’ll know what I’m talking about!!
Happy sailing!
Mr.Happy ( )
4/18/2004 7:15:49 PM
Mr Happy
You big pathetic cheat, selling out to the 4.5m+ losers !
No real surfer with more than one b**l ever sails 5m+ !!!
You can never look at the beach babe’s again !
Go big or go home ( )
4/19/2004 7:47:59 AM
And that’s another thing. With big gear you are actually down the beach whilst there’s people & a vibe. Not just a deserted storm swept scene. Don’t tell anyone but unless I am abroad somewhere real warm I prefer ‘summer breezes’.
Name withheld ( )
4/19/2004 8:58:15 AM
Would be nice to meet you on the water guys, but the net is OK too.
Go big or go home is for me: Take your big powergear, -or you´ll have to go home 9 out of 10 days = 9 weeks out of 10 weeks if you just have 1 day free/ week.
With a 4,5 sail the beach babe´s would just laugh at you when you´re acting like a rounding mark, for the rest of the windsurfers doing planing freestyle manouvers around you
In SURF 4/04 a 20 years old german freestyle competitor says, that it´s hard to develop freestyle skills at home in Germany.
He says he´ll plane 5 minutes out of 2 hours a good day at home in Germany. -He recommends Bonaire, Fuerteventura and Maui to the Germans who like to do new school freestyle. -I like that he is realistic about the possibility to sail small gear in germany.
I wouldn´t recommend a guy in Tenerife to focus on skiing, even if he can find snow on Teide, more often than a german guy can find strong winds at his homewaters.
Should everyone who likes to windsurf regularely move to Bonaire..
-Or should we backup our small gear with powerstuff that works in Sweden/Germany and gives us quality TOW.
A girl from Luleå or a guy from Skellefteå/Sweden, can do wave performance 5 days a year on home waters, if they don´t have a job where they are needed 8 to 5, when the waves roll in. -Winds usually fade out when you go from work in the afternoon.
Beside work you should have no family, friends or other people trying to rob you off those 5 days.
If You´re totally free every day you can do new school freestyle 25 days a year.
You have 100 days with quality TOW on your FW stuff.
Classic freestyle (planing Back Wind Jibes, Upwind 360´s etc) you can do 100 days a year with the right equipment.
From 8 knots of wind the frustration blows away.
A bonus on a FW board is that you can do classic freestyle, slalom or FW-racing in just shorts and harness july and august, something that was impossible, with just small gear.
A powerful 9,0 is super for classic freestyle on a 85+ cm wide Formula board. It´s much more fun planing through manouvers in 8+ knots of wind than sitting on the beach.
-Time to dust off the small gear when there´s wind enough to avoid swimming between the gusts.
Quality TOW to you guys! -Ulf
P.S. -Om du ser att du ibland får vänta 3 veckor på tillräcklig vind för din största bräda, då är den för liten, och du måste komplettera den med något större som ger dej mer power! -Annars stagnerar din utveckling, och du riskerar att tappa intresset.
När du får segla för sällan, orkar du till slut inte längre lyssna på sjörapporterna, och du missar även de få dagar det blåser tillräckligt för dina småprylar. -Jag har tyvärr sett flera surfkompisar vandra denna tragiska väg, men hoppas slippa se fler göra detta misstag.
Tack vare brädor i storlek från HS till Formula har vi idag dubbelt så många aktiva som för 10 år sedan, -folk vill segla! -inte vänta på vind.
Till den som tror (förutsatt att han inte är 9 år och väger 34 kg) att man är cool om man har 4,5 som största segel måste jag säga att
cool rimmar på fool..