Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Några bilder från LA 20080703

  • damo

    4 juli, 2008 vid 17:19

    yeah damo is short for damian

    you got some sick photos there! they came out heaps better than i thought they would:smile:

  • sourra

    4 juli, 2008 vid 18:02

    Nice riding and nice shots! Vem var det som parkerade sin trasa i busken?

  • patrikol

    4 juli, 2008 vid 18:44

    @damo 480177 wrote:

    yeah damo is short for damian

    you got some sick photos there! they came out heaps better than i thought they would:smile:

    Incredible you learn some thing every day at Steffo! 🙂

  • tomw

    4 juli, 2008 vid 19:25

    Henke heter från och med nu, Frankenstein.


  • _sofia_

    4 juli, 2008 vid 19:35

    Sweet ni ser ut ah ha de :laugh:

  • molle73

    4 juli, 2008 vid 19:59

    So Damo,, you ignored Parkvägen for that boring flat stuff..? Haha!

    Ps. Feta bilder Johan!

  • damo

    4 juli, 2008 vid 20:10

    nah man i wasnt ignoring you or prakvagen we just slept in and by the time we woke up it would have been too late to join you down there so we just went for a quick one at LA. as it turns out we might have had the better sesh too:wink: i was fully powered on my 9m for a good hour or so but then it droped off big time when the 2 wind killers came out with the cameras:crazy:

    sunday arvo looks like it might be kiteable at habo maybe??? see ya there if it is

  • lars_m

    4 juli, 2008 vid 20:27

    Fan nice bild, Aloha

  • molle73

    4 juli, 2008 vid 20:28

    I did get your sms! Just joking u know.. I also had a run with 9 fore a good hour!
    Ya know were to find me if u need a ride man. Take care and saluda tu chica! /M

  • kamikazekiteren

    4 juli, 2008 vid 20:55

    i used mine11:a at Parkvägägen, got some adralinekick bigair jump, even with kiteloops , what a rush! No god wavesz though!

  • gadget

    5 juli, 2008 vid 12:16
    damo;480177 wrote:
    yeah damo is short for damian

    you got some sick photos there! they came out heaps better than i thought they would:smile:

    Nice Damian!
    For some reason i struggled to just stay up wind while some others pulled off slim´n shit!


  • wroomlars

    5 juli, 2008 vid 12:24

    Man borde flytta neråt….

  • damo

    5 juli, 2008 vid 12:43
    Gadget;480303 wrote:
    Nice Damian!
    For some reason i struggled to just stay up wind while some others pulled off slim´n shit!


    you should try my kite and board set up someday then:grin:

    flexifoil atoms and a custom addiction board that planes so early and has more power than you can poke a stick at:grin:

  • skejtar_henke

    6 juli, 2008 vid 09:10

    Det bra jobbat boys

  • mjersen

    6 juli, 2008 vid 10:51

    @skejtar_henke 480416 wrote:

    Det bra jobbat boys

    var e dina bilder?

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