Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing nån som har telefonnummer till gud ?

  • jacko

    18 juni, 2006 vid 10:26


  • skotten

    18 juni, 2006 vid 14:02

    It is actually not all that well known, but the origin of the ”Helecopter” is actually an ancient wind dance.. so only the guys can do it… Sadly, the secrets to the long past wind dance have been forgotten through the generations.. however, in the intrest of preserving this long lost art, I will share the secrets that have been passed down by my forefathers.

    Contrary to popular opinion, the secret to this ”move” is not in the hips as once thought. This is where most nOObs fail miserably, as men are not well known for their co-ordination… To pull a clean and effective Helecopter, all you need to do is hop on one leg.. you may need to give a little hip input, however this is only to ”pump” the helecopter in difficult conditions such as wind.

    Good luck, and may you pass this onto your well-endowed children.


  • marcel_101

    18 juni, 2006 vid 20:16

    haha good answer =)

  • santawasasurfer

    18 juni, 2006 vid 20:21

    haha så det är därför det aldrig blåser här.. får fan börja ”dansa”

  • johanw

    19 juni, 2006 vid 06:16

    vind dansen kallas den..

  • skotten

    19 juni, 2006 vid 11:58

    you see… everone tried it last night alone in the bathroom… and today its windy….awesome…. keep up the good work lads!

  • marcel_101

    19 juni, 2006 vid 16:02

    haha den funkar verkligen den där dansen =)

  • santawasasurfer

    19 juni, 2006 vid 20:41

    jojomen det verkar ju inte bättre

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