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Need to find a good Board Repair Dude…
Publicerad av brett74 på 9 februari, 2014 vid 15:02Dinged the nose on My Carbon Isonic today, nice whack right in the middle of the nose from the mast…anyone know a good repair guy in Malmö ?
bicless svarade 11 år sedan 12 Medlemmar · 32 Svar -
32 Svar
Unless you want it to look exactly like before, you can fix that yourself easy peasy, and even then, I think you could get it looking pretty close to the original look. 1 hours worth of research and some relatively cheap materials (good for future use also), perfect excuse to hide away in the garage (and it’s pretty damn fun)
Would you remove all the damaged carbon and fill it out so it was flat again and then put new carbon on or would you just fill it with plastic metal epoxy, which just happenes to be the same colour as the board ?
@Brett74 720894 wrote:
Would you remove all the damaged carbon and fill it out so it was flat again and then put new carbon on or would you just fill it with plastic metal epoxy, which just happenes to be the same colour as the board ?
I would sand down the crack all the way to the core, or for as far as i could see the damage continue, chances are the core has a slight ”indent” in which case i would simply apply a little bit of normal PU-foam (fogskum) to even out the indent, let it cure, sand it down to deck level, then laminate over it with laminating epoxy and fiberglass (as many layers as you feel necessary). Make sure the new fiberglass overlaps around the damage for 4-5 centimeters. Sure, you could use carbon, but it’s sh*t expensive, compared to regular fiberglas and for such a small area the weight gain is marginal anyhow.
but judging from the photos, it’s unlikely that the core is deformed to the point where you would need PU-foam, but ultimately it is your call!
Fixing a board is a great way to learn something new, and takes away that ”ouch” feeling from getting dings and scratches, as you know how to fix it! As long as you don’t snap it completely..!
there are experts…and then there are experts……..
but after 5891 repairs… something must be right…check this out
if you haven´t seen it yet..
sure helped my repairs anyway..!! -
Thanks for the tips, still on the fence if I am gonna do this myself or let a pro have a go, will decide after I talk to the pro and see what thinks it will cost…
Do you see that line going from the nose downwards the Tiki logo?
That’s a damaged area too.When you repair the nose you must repair that crack as well. It’s for sure a crack and if you press with the thumb you will feel a softness around it. You can repair it with two layers of fibers on top of it and if it is very soft you can inject epoxy (se: epoxi) to stiffen it up from the underside.
Never remove more material than yo have to. Ever. -
Yeah, I saw the crease down to the logo too, there are also 3 hairline cracks on the back too, same area…
DOH! Brett, i can fix that for you, I have fixed a lot of boards and built a couple, you need to remove all the damaged laminate and check the sandwich. Otherwise Linus who lives in arlöv fixes boards too.
Check my facebook pictures.. i recently repaired a carbon art that was dropped from a car… -
@Kapten K 720924 wrote:
you need to remove all the damaged laminate and check the sandwich.
Kan du förklara terminologin? Vad innebär laminat, och vad innebär sandwich? För mig är laminatet just karbon/glasfiber/epoxi, och det är väl ganska så självklart, men vad är sandwichen? Min nuvarande gissning är att det är hela konstruktionen, dvs skumkärna plus laminat, men jag är inte säker. Är det så du ser på saken oxå?
FWIW, a similar repair that I made some time ago. -
En sandwich bräda är ExtruderadPolystyren(frigoli) ”kärna”+ underlaminat (väv+epoxi) +sanwichskum ca 3-8mm tjckt( polyurethane) (divinycell) airex herex) +ytterlaminat (väv+epoxi) +spackel+färg+ halkskydd
@Planing 720933 wrote:
Kan du förklara terminologin? Vad innebär laminat, och vad innebär sandwich? För mig är laminatet just karbon/glasfiber/epoxi, och det är väl ganska så självklart, men vad är sandwichen? Min nuvarande gissning är att det är hela konstruktionen, dvs skumkärna plus laminat, men jag är inte säker. Är det så du ser på saken oxå?
@Kapten K 720941 wrote:
En sandwich bräda är ExtruderadPolystyren(frigoli) ”kärna”+ underlaminat (väv+epoxi) +sanwichskum ca 3-8mm tjckt( polyurethane) (divinycell) airex herex) +ytterlaminat (väv+epoxi) +spackel+färg+ halkskydd
Ah, ok. Det var min andra teori. 🙂
Men alla brädor är inte uppbyggda så, eller hur? Jag hittade inget underlaminat i nosen på min bräda 80-liters RRD FSW. Jag stack lite med en nål för att känna efter om det fanns något underlaminat innan jag gjorde reparationen. Det kanske finns sandwich i min bräda där fotstropparna är placerade?
Menar du att iSonic har sandwich även i nosen?
Lite OT, men kul att lära sig nytt… 🙂
Google is your friend! De flesta brädor har sandwich runt om.
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