Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Nose repair in Goteborg?

  • Nose repair in Goteborg?

    Posted by plettil on 28 juli, 2015 at 12:22

    I need to do a small nose repair on my board, does any know a good workshop where I could have this done in Goteborg area? It is small but need a proper waterproof repair and I never did that before.
    Thanks you for your help.

    plettil replied 9 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • raggarn

    28 juli, 2015 at 13:36

    @Plettil 734699 wrote:

    I need to do a small nose repair on my board, does any know a good workshop where I could have this done in Goteborg area? It is small but need a proper waterproof repair and I never did that before.
    Thanks you for your help.

    Then it´s about time you did…!!! 🙂

    check out the film in the tread…. and perhaps this….


    loads of others on Y.T.

    but be warned…. it´s a messy job…….don´t do it in your kitchen….. 😮
    and use safety gear!!!!
    Good luck

  • plettil

    30 juli, 2015 at 05:11

    Thank you!! 🙂
    I am just not equipped with all papers or vacuum bagging stuff and would like to do a nice and clean repair.
    Anyone has a vacuum pump and bagging equipment I can borrow so I can at least press it properly? I bought fiber and resin…I need to add microballoon and I can start.
    I kept asking in boat stores for a composit workshop and nothing exist in Goteborg….quite surprising for me…..
    I will do….

  • dr-masse

    30 juli, 2015 at 06:16

    No need to vac a repair. Unless it is a major one, like snapped board.

  • plettil

    30 juli, 2015 at 08:08

    Ok, then I will do. 🙂

  • raggarn

    30 juli, 2015 at 13:11

    go with the poor-mans vacuum……plastic film and tape it hard…. 🙂

  • hakuna

    30 juli, 2015 at 14:11

    Here is a store which sell composites. I am going to buy 2 and perhaps 1 mm airex. Want to share? I live in Askim.

  • hakuna

    30 juli, 2015 at 14:12

    Ps. My board is snapped. DS.

  • hakuna

    3 augusti, 2015 at 10:18

    Now I have glued my board. I used very little of the “PU lim”, if you want you can borrow it.

  • plettil

    3 augusti, 2015 at 21:55

    Luckily I did not need airex or so. Just a small crack in the nose that was not water tight.
    Several layers of glass fiber, film, tape and roller…. The worst is the paint…not the same white…. 🙁
    It will be ok for me until the next….
    Tack alla för din hjälp!! 🙂

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