Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Nu verkar Bringdal börjat sin utmaning..

  • Nu verkar Bringdal börjat sin utmaning..

    Publicerad av Knatte på 18 juli, 2003 vid 16:39

    16.07.2003 : Bringdal Ready for Speed

    Det verkar som de ligger och toppar mot nästan 42 knop i speed challange på Canarie öarna..
    Så det är några knopp kvar innan rekordet är slaget.

    Anders Bringdal has moved into the village at the speed course of Arinaga, Spain to join Antoine Albeau and Björn Dunkerbeck in their quest to break the current speed sailing world record.

    Much like the past few days, the Challengers clocked speeds just South of 42 knots in choppy seas with winds from the Northeast. Although the wind speeds have slightly dropped to 30 knots with gusts exceeding 35 knots, the direction of the wind has turned more easterly, which is favored by the challengers.

    Björn D. //With some moderate Kalima conditions blowing sandy air from the Sahara desert and winds between 30 – 35 knots, Björn Dunkerbeck clocked a run of 40.5 knots by the late afternoon.

    Från Augusti 2002 //
    A: The main reason was that we didn’t have enough wind to take a chance to get close to the existing record. We had 20-30 knots using sail sizes of 5.8 & 6.2 and boards with 39 cm and 42 cm width. The fastest average speed was 40,5 knots with a top speed on the course up to 43 knots. What we would have needed to brake the record was wind of 40 -50 knots, enabling us to use the 5.4 and 5.0. m² sails and the boards with 36 cm width. And flat water of course.

    Q: How would you describe the last 3 weeks ?

    A: It was a lot of fun to go speed sailing again. Most of the days during the last 3 weeks I was on the speed strip sailing between 3-4 hours. I’m very glad to see how efficient our equipment had become. Using a 6.2 sail for example I went over 39 knots several times. With a 5.8 in choppy and wavy conditions I went over 40 knots. So I think, with the appropriate wind, I could have gone dammed fast with a; 5.4 or 5.0 sail.

    Knatte svarade 21 år, 7 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • dr-masse

    19 juli, 2003 vid 10:16

    Jodu, och tajmingen verkar fin:

    ”The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Advisory for the next three days, with speed reaching up to 65 knots (75mph or 120 km/h) The winds are forecast to blow from a Northeasterly direction.

    The Challengers had a relaxing Friday using it mostly for a day of preparations and regaining of strength to be ready for Saturday, which is expected to be the first day in a series of very windy conditions in Arinaga.”

    Från Det vore grymt om de slog rekordet!

    Surfa På!

  • bengtberusad

    19 juli, 2003 vid 15:51

    Coolt 25-30 m/s, hoppas Bringdal rockar fetta, hans brädor brukar vara snabbare än Dunkerbecks så man vet ju aldrig (Dunkerbeck har ju förberätt sig mest iaf)

  • Knatte

    20 juli, 2003 vid 09:33

    Det verkar inte hända så mycket:

    Still waiting for the Extreme

    Following a series of high wind advisories for the next few days, Saturday proved to be a relatively calm day due to the Kalima conditions. These hot & dusty southeast winds from the Sahara desert – also known as the Sirocco – seem to have kept the predicted winds from the site at Arinaga.

    There were no timed runs during the day, although the course was open and both Antoine Albeau of France as well as Anders Bringdal of Sweden, were seen on the course in the afternoon.

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