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Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary tactics of nonviolent resistance. In its most nonviolent form (known as ahimsa or satyagraha) it could be said that it is compassion in the form of respectful disagreement.
The American author Henry David Thoreau pioneered the modern theory behind this practice in his 1849 essay Civil Disobedience, originally titled ”Resistance to Civil Government”. The driving idea behind the essay was that of self-reliance, and how one is in morally good standing as long as one can ”get off another man’s back”; so one does not have to physically fight the government, but one must not support it or have it support one (if one is against it). This essay has had a wide influence on many later practitioners of civil disobedience. In the essay, Thoreau explained his reasons for having refused to pay taxes as an act of protest against slavery and against the Mexican-American War.
Detta är inte alls bra… någon som vet hurvida förbud föreligger norr och söder om skanörs hamn med eller är det endast parkvägen dom har ändrat?
Någon som har vägarna förbi parkis och kan ta en bild på skylten?
edit: kan det kanske va den lilla tanten som gnälde i somras som lyft luren?
Tyvärr så hade jag inte med mobilen när vi var ute och gick igår men de har förlängt förbudet förbi parkvägen fram till rådjursstigen. Området mellan rådjursstigen och kanalen är markerad med vindsurf, kitesurf mm tillåten. Detta kommer ju inte lösa några problem då dessa stränder är smalare och har ännu mer badande. Nästa år kommer det vara samma situation igen.. precis som det var förra året
Fick du ut något vettigt av länsstyrelsen skotten? Har de verkligen tagit ett beslut eller har de bara ritat om kartan efter eget behag? Det känns ju inte så genomtänkt..
Det verkar som att det är dags för er att grunda skånes motsvarighet till VSK
fan inte klokt vad de håller på. Vad är det för sjuka missunsamma människor.
Hi guys.. comments from LS..
”Hi again!
Not good news for you. The map of Falsterbo is the same as you have. But, the other one shows you are even more restricted than I think you thought. It shows the combined regulations of 2 reserves. If you look at that map you can see where you are allowed to surf. That particular area stretches out to a depth of 3 m and it’s the border of the actual reserve. This means that you can also surf further out, of course. We can only regulate within a reserve.
If you have any more questions- call meBy the way, I was swimming where kitesurfing is OK. So now even I know, I’ll just bring my scuba gear next time.”
See! – Cool chick. It seems that the nature reserve only extends into the water 3m.. so well we can still surf outside the waves..
The latest decision made.. officially was 2005.. so the map that we have had from 2005 has been incorrect.. and since then we have been riding where we should not have been, but in all fairness noone knew.
I really hope that now we have been squashed down into the bottom end by the canal where there are EVEN more swimmers that noone gets into trouble. There is definately something stinky about the whole thing.. but heck, we can only follow the rules and respect the spots we ride in.
Looks like Landskrona is gonna be packed with easterly winds now hehe.
”There is definately something stinky about the whole thing.. ”
Naturligtvis är det det, men överraskad? NOPE!!
”Eeee niiiiii medlemmar hääär” uttalat med gäll nasal stämma har man hört sen barnsben så fort man närmade sig storvägsområdet oavsett ärende.
Känns jävligt surt, nu får man köra till till klagshamn eller natursköna landskrona vid S, SE.
/Magnus W -
@skotten 492394 wrote:
Hi guys.. comments from LS..
”Hi again!
Not good news for you. The map of Falsterbo is the same as you have. But, the other one shows you are even more restricted than I think you thought. It shows the combined regulations of 2 reserves. If you look at that map you can see where you are allowed to surf. That particular area stretches out to a depth of 3 m and it’s the border of the actual reserve. This means that you can also surf further out, of course. We can only regulate within a reserve.
If you have any more questions- call meBy the way, I was swimming where kitesurfing is OK. So now even I know, I’ll just bring my scuba gear next time.”
See! – Cool chick. It seems that the nature reserve only extends into the water 3m.. so well we can still surf outside the waves..
The latest decision made.. officially was 2005.. so the map that we have had from 2005 has been incorrect.. and since then we have been riding where we should not have been, but in all fairness noone knew.
I really hope that now we have been squashed down into the bottom end by the canal where there are EVEN more swimmers that noone gets into trouble. There is definately something stinky about the whole thing.. but heck, we can only follow the rules and respect the spots we ride in.
Looks like Landskrona is gonna be packed with easterly winds now hehe.
Hur menar hon? Att det är farligt att bada? Är fågelskyddet till för att badare ska få det bättre?
Hur vet man när det är 3 meter djupt? ska man behöva ha ekolod för att inte surfa i det förbjudna området?
@bohm 492810 wrote:
Hur menar hon? Att det är farligt att bada? Är fågelskyddet till för att badare ska få det bättre?
Hur vet man när det är 3 meter djupt? ska man behöva ha ekolod för att inte surfa i det förbjudna området?
you hit it on the head.. its what I thought had happened.. but it does actually make sense the area is extended to the end of the sand dunes.. which it does..
It just feels stinky… know what I mean.. perhaps someone of influence got pissed off.. but all the same it meant that we gavehim reason to be.. shit happens I say.. If you see anyone behaving like a dic? make sure that when he comes in you tell him..
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