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  • nybörjare 10 s/m?

    Publicerad av hpatrik på 11 juli, 2010 vid 23:06

    Hej! Ser på frv att det skall blåsa bra på tisdag morgon. Vinden är SO så tänkte surfa i ljunghusen parkvägen då jag bor där. Tänkte gå upp vid 4 och köra med min bror till klockan 6 då vinden skall lägga sig men komma tillbaka senare på eftermiddagen och då blir det troligen en runda till. Men jag undrar om det är lite för mycket vind för oss två som kör på en 12:a och väger 90 kg? Verkar vara vindar på 10, kanske 12 s/m. Kanske ska säga att vi inte ens har kommit upp på brädan än..

    hpatrik svarade 14 år, 8 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 8 Svar
  • 8 Svar
  • skotten

    11 juli, 2010 vid 23:46

    hmm, a 12 would be at the limit in 10m/s.. and to be honest parkis is far from the best spot for you guys to be. I can almost be certain that there will be people walking up and down the beach tomorrow and if it goes tits up, you are going to hurt yourself and at very worse hurt someone else too.

    We only just got parkv. back after being banned thanks to a lot of hard work and discussions from skåneskiteklubb. We are always walking a very thin wire down there on the Näs and we really need to make sure that we dont do anything silly that will give the folks down there to hate us.

    I would recommend Landskrona though the water is really shallow there and the water is flat.. that will help you in a bunch of ways. It will help you relaunch your kite as you can stand up and keep an eye on your board without the kite crashing on the land and destroying itself : )

    Better than that though is the fact that when you are trying to get the board on for your waterstart you wont have waves breaking over you.. and then when you get up the water is silky smooth like butter!.

    I know that you probably cant get up to LA, but hell you posted in here showing that you are a smart dude and I am pretty sure when you hit the beach tomorrow that we can trust you to just go with your gut instincts : )

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  • hpatrik

    12 juli, 2010 vid 00:19

    Nej jag gillar inte parkvägen heller då det blir fort för djupt och att det endast funkar på vissa tider med tanke på badgästerna. Men har tyvärr ingen möjlighet att ta mig någon annanstans under morgonen. Tar med vindmätaren och blåser det över 10 så blir det till att vänta in eftermiddags/kvällsvinden och köra vid väg 100 då det såg ut att vara lite mindre vind, dock crosshore men det funkar väl?:)

  • skotten

    12 juli, 2010 vid 01:59

    Looks like it wont be to insane tomorrow, DMI are only showing 5-8!, you should be cool : )

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  • cheyert

    12 juli, 2010 vid 06:31

    yeh what’s up with these forecasts here…went to ljunghusen yesterday… after getting stuck in traffic and nearly cooking my car in the heat…was expecting wind and saw some wind at least on the way, got there and no sign of any wind at all… I can fart harder than that…and they were forecasting something around 8m/s if I’m correct…
    which brings me back to Ljunhusen itself really…it was so freakin busy there I thought I was somewhere in the Costas in Spain…when I read some posts I always read parkvagen, but I really don’t see how you can kite there with so many people around…where is that little strip of beach that is ”FOR THE KITESURFERS?”
    With no wind I just left and drove a bit further east between Trelleborg and Ystad…now I think there are some beaches that lend themselves to kiting a lot better, but I haven’t seen it working with wind on it yet…I think it
    it’s near that most southern tip of sweden, smygehamn or something…a bit further than that is a long beach with nearly no people on it…so do people kite there I’m wondering….
    If…and IF the forecast might be somewhat correct today, it looks like it might be blowing tonight at 8pm…so question becomes, go back and try ljunghusen again because it’s closer, or further east? Landskrona, I wouldn’t know where to go….
    All I know is that I wanna get wet soon…!

  • pjoter

    12 juli, 2010 vid 07:16

    Badgästerna är bara ute 2 månader på året, de andra 10 månaderna har vi stränderna i sverige för oss själva (förutom lite hundägare å 40-års krisare). Därför skrivs det mkt om parkvägen, det är en ganska kul spot under resten av året och dagar då det blåser över 10m/s, inte mkt badare ute då.

    vid den här tiden på året så håller man sig på ställen där det inte är mkt badare som lundåkra, habo, klagshamn osv.

  • skotten

    12 juli, 2010 vid 10:03

    Hi dude, yeah the näs isnt the best in the summer, but I can totally reccomend a sunset session down at skanörshamn when you can ride!.

    There are Billions of spots all down the southcoast though man, its pretty much where I have been riding for the last two years, and there are a couple of nice wavespots.

    You can also Use Klagshamn on the south side… there is nothing to say you cant use the north side, but there is more space on the south side. There, you will find a windsurf club and they dont like anyone else using their land, so you need to rig up in the carpark… bear in mind though that there are a LOT of stones, and although they are marked, it will only take one to fuck your day up.

    Looks like there will be a bit more wind tomorrow though, hopefully that will keep people off the beaches : )

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  • cheyert

    12 juli, 2010 vid 10:47

    yeh bro,

    If the forecast holds, could be good late tonight with easterly winds down the south coast, so I’ll probably mission it out there in search of something after work…
    …and you’re right, I think it has some potential for waves, but yeh need to see it work with
    some wind first…

    I’ve been to Skanör a few times now, it is a really nice place, but probably not good in SE or E winds…

    Klagshamn I need to look up, not familiar with that place…I’ve only been in the country for 6 weeks now -:)


  • hpatrik

    12 juli, 2010 vid 13:44

    Tack för alla svar. Har varit i klagshamn många gånger då jag har vindsurfat ett par år. Vet dock inte om det är så smart för mig som nybörjare att vara där med tanke på stenarna som skotten nämnde.

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